Sunday, September 19, 2010

Eighth Sunday

We just keep counting up the sundays, and this sunday we put them in matching outfits! Yep, it rarely happens but today it did. They have their American Flag "born in 2010" onesies on. The only other time they have had the exact same outfit on is with their duckie sleepers. So this really is a rare thing around here.

princess aubrey...
1st sunday

8th sunday
yes, she is always our serious child...only her daddy can seem to crack a smile from her!

mister truman...
1st sunday

8th sunday
...Truman seems to be a getting wiser with age
(or at least he makes it look like he is a thinker!)

As the sundays progress the mini's are more and more alert and each of them are showing us how different each child is. They have their own unique personalities and it is a blast getting to know each of them. We love them so much, and also find that they are good entertainment!

tata for now,


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