Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I can tell it has been almost 6 months...

The anniversary of me being a Georgia resident is nearing the 6 month mark and so I thought it was only appropriate to update you on how I can now tell I've adjusted.

1. The smell of the swamp is actually comforting! (it used to make me gag)
2. The bluetooth is not just functional as a communication device...I've learned it is an accessory! And I've accepted it.
3. Y'all doesn't make my skin crawl anymore (don't worry I'm still not using it)
4. Instead of cow tipping I've realized it's fun to go "garbage tipping" as a teen.
5. I can finally stay up for the local news...at 11 PM.
6. I caught myself asking for a 'soda' the other day...instead of a 'pop'.
7. I find myself saying that 60 degrees is cold...and i'm ready to take out the winter coat!
8. I get excited to see license plates that aren't from Georgia!!!

But, here are things that I still haven't adjusted to:
1. Delayed...really long delayed responses to green lights.
2. Speaking with a Southern Accent...which has proved to hinder my advancement in the non-profit world!
3. I still think my programs are on Central time...I am always early for my programs at least!

Well, that is about all I can think of for right now - I'll be sure to add to the list as time continues.

Thanks for all the support even though I'm all the way in the South.

Until next time...Annie

Monday, November 5, 2007

It's been a while...

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to say that I didn't forget about updating this blog, I just haven't been able to really figure out what funny stories I have! I will be sure to update you on some highlights of my trip back to ND as well as our trip to Charleston this past weekend. I promise to get back to this, just bear with me...that is if anyone reads this any more! wink. wink.

Be back soon...
