Thursday, September 25, 2008

For Sale...or rent

This post comes with mixed emotions. My first instinct is to jump up and down and say "yippee" we have another check mark on our to-do list. But then reality sets in and I realize what this moment means. We are leaving our first home, we are leaving the place that we started our relationship, we are leaving the home "our family" first owned. But, I have to start forgetting the word 'leaving' and replace it with 'continuing.' Because that is what we are doing. We are continuing our lives together, just in a very different form.

So, here is our house - thank you to all of you that came to visit and share in this home with us. We enjoyed all the company. Every one of you that spent a night in our extra bedroom is special to us and whatever house we have next you are welcome to join us again. Thanks for making memories.

tata for now everyone,


Saturday, September 13, 2008

'Bite me'

My husband was the unfortunate victim of a very rough wake up call.

He was flying nights, so we switched sides of the bed so I was now in charge of the alarm. And, the first alarm rang and I just had to hit snooze, and as I rolled back over my husband was there to cuddle me (or take over my side of the bed). I quickly fell back asleep and drifted into a dream. In my dream these big hairy man arms were trying to wrap themselves around me and I really thought he was going to steal me. So, for some reason my arms couldn't move so my instinct kicked in and I did what anyone would do to survive. I went for the bite...and CHOMP, I bite the inside of his forearm. However, in reality my husband was quickly jerking away from me as I realized that I had just chomped his forehead and left eye. He quickly gives me a look of shock and says, "what are you doing?" (really wanting to add weirdo in there) and my response was that of a toddlers..."I'm biting you." As I have the look on my face like how do you not know this? And then suddenly I really woke up and told him it was part of a dream and he just gave me a glare (rightfully so) and got as close to the other edge as possible.

Needless to say he still reminds me of my abuse to him, and all I can think is since I was sleeping on the wrong side - normally if I did that I'd either bite my pillow or air...I really wonder how many times I chomp in a night!

tata for now...
