Sunday, August 8, 2010

One week ago today...

One week ago today we were giving our new mini's a tour of their home. They seemed to like it, so much that they were comfortable enough to take a nap in their chairs in the living room with daddy. And now today as I sit here writing this they are again taking naps in their chairs, but the week between has brought many different experiences!

Rather then go into how each night went let's just say this, just when we think we have this down and we know what we are doing they throw us a curveball. So today we accept the fact that we will NEVER know how to be good parents and just go on loving them and doing the best.

With that said I want to just share some different photos from last Sunday to this Sunday. This way everyone who can't live next door to us can track their weekly progress, at least in photos. Enjoy and nice to your parents, once upon a time all of our parents dealt with this same thing and all I can say is, "I'm sorry...and boy am I thankful God made you to love me!"

First Sunday Home

Truman James - 4 days old

Aubrey Lynn - 4 days old

Second Sunday Home

Truman James - 11 days old

Aubrey Lynn - 11 days old

Keep watching for the Weekly Sunday Photos!

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