Thursday, August 18, 2011

Old McDonald Had a Farm....

While my mom was visiting we just HAD to take a trip to the farm...not the crazy farm, we were already there, rather "Old McDonald's Farm." We predicted that miss aubrey would LOVE this field trip and mister truman would not be a fan. I'll let the photos below give you a visual so you can decide if our prediction was correct.

Join along in singing the tune while scrolling through the's contagious!

No farm injuries yet, let's hope we not the first...

First things first, feed the goats popcorn...

miss aubrey shows no fear

hair is just as good as popcorn
watch it miss A, you don't have a lot of hair to share!

swapping stories

mister truman's reaction to feeding the goats

miss aubrey's reaction to having to leave the goats

we went into the fenced area
(without food)
where miss A was able to visit with the goats more

mister T NEVER wanted out of the stroller...
can you tell!?!

her next best friend

she chatted with this calf like they were long lost buddies
and yes, she screamed at us when we pulled her away

but we had another adventure ahead,
a hay ride to feed the pigs, goats and cattle

a hay ride with a storyline

we aren't in kansas anymore kids!

the only animal miss A didn't feed herself,
in her defense they were MASSIVE sized cows!

mister T finally found his glory in the nuts and bolts of the wagon

mister T checking the crops

"hey, I didn't tell you to keep going, I wasn't done with the field checks yet!"

sensory overload required a mid-day nap

the adults played while the kids napped!

This was only half the fun, watch for part two for the "after nap" festivities!

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