Sunday, March 20, 2011

34 sundays

...another sunday closer to a year of these mini's being home! In the past couple of weeks we've had some more changes. Miss Aubrey now is a proud owner of her first tooth! (bottom right) Mister Truman is officially a master at the army crawl and has already learned how to "turn on the charm" when the word "no" is uttered from my mouth. Miss Aubrey took an adventure and found a new area of the home, all on her own! They don't crawl so I still have one up on the speed of them, but they are getting quicker at squirming their way around. It won't be long until I will be running laps in the house trying to capture them! At least I'll save money by not needing a gym membership.

They are both enjoying having a variety of tastes to their meal times, they even like squash! And just this week I decided to give them some banana puffs, it was utter enjoyment watching their expressions. The first time they just stared at these foreign objects in front of them, then would look at me with confusion. The second time I put them in their mouths and Miss Aubrey decided it just wasn't for her...she automatically spit it out and since it was stuck on her bottom lip she kept trying to push it off with her tongue. She was NOT impressed. Mister Truman kept it in his mouth, but wasn't sure why. The third time, Miss Aubrey picked one up and put it in her mouth and kept it there. She actually went back for a second one! Mister Truman, well he just decided he'd play "puff hockey" with them on his tray. Disclaimer: I don't give them because I think they need snacks, rather I want them to learn hand/eye maybe I can soon give them their spoon and they will feed themselves so I can just eat bonbons on the couch during meal time! ha.

They are definitely growing quickly and keeping this house a busy one. I enjoy all of it and constantly have the video camera out trying to capture every moment for their daddy. I am fairly certain they think the camera is just part of me now! Well, enjoy and maybe soon I'll figure out how to put videos on here so everyone can see them in action. OH, I also had too many cute/funny photos for these weeks so I put bonus photos at the end...feel free to comment with some clever captions!

33 sundays

miss aubrey
mister truman

34 sundays

miss aubrey
mister truman

bonus photos!
share any clever captions you have...

...until next sunday,

annie and mini's

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