Sunday, February 22, 2009


I woke up early on Saturday morning and as I glanced to the other side of the bed, I realized what I miss most on the weekends. I miss looking over at my husband as he sleeps a little longer than me, I miss just watching him, playing with this hair, kissing his face. I miss "accidentally" waking him up so we could go downstairs in our pajamas, make some coffee and chat about anything. I miss hanging out like that together until the afternoon when we decide to finally get ready for the outside world.

I miss his gentle hand on my back as we stroll along in Savannah.

I miss his arm around me.

I miss him holding me and forgetting anyone is around us.

But I know these weekends will return. I know that someday my man with hold me, kiss me and whisper sweet somethings into my ear. And until then, I'll stay strong. I'll surround myself with loving friends and family. I will continue to be his wife, taking care of our house here.

I will wait patiently for our weekends together to return. I will always remember our weekend moments, and I will forever appreciate these "little" things always and forever.



Katie said...

Beautiful tribute. You are strong wife and amazing woman!

Anonymous said...

Just so you know...these are pre-kid kinds of weekends you are describing:-)


Annie said...

I guess I'll enjoy the "pre-kid weekends" as long as I can. Let's just hope Mom is okay with that plan!