let the sharing begin,
...or maybe not!
miss a showed her stubborn side, she didn't move!
42nd sunday home
just 10 more to complete the year!
miss aubrey
mister truman
loves his mum mums, he's a serious eater
crossing her legs like a proper lady
mister truman has some "plumber butt" here!
she found her trouble while I was getting her brother from his nap,
I envision a photo in the future like this only with toilet paper
It's still hard to imagine that in a short 10 sundays it will be a year from the day they came home. Crazy. Some new things they've recently mastered include climbing up on things, on anything; standing up against furniture; mister truman has 6 teeth now (aubrey is still at one tooth) and wrestling for toys which includes pulling hair when necessary (even pulling their own hair and screaming, they haven't figured out yet that they have the power to stop that, but we will get there - this having hair thing is new for them!). They definitely are sponges, absorbing as much as they can every day.
tata for now everyone, until next sunday.
annie & mini's
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