Moms do more than change diapers, fill tummies, mend scrapes, clean, comfort, heal broken spirits, teach skills, language and character; they constantly live with mom's guilt. (i wish someone would have warned me of this...)
Mom guilt comes from the littlest of things. We always want to make sure we are doing the best for our children no matter their age. From birth a mom is already feeling guilty thinking every movement/decision that she makes will harm their child in some way. Whether its being afraid they aren't developing at the right pace which will for sure put them behind in school and they won't grow up to be what they want to be. A simple decision to watch baby einstein for a mental mom break can do just that. I know, to all you dad's out there you are probably rolling your eyes and wondering why women throw things out of proportion. It just is what it is. Once you get rid of mom guilt for one thing, you end with a new "version" the next day.
I still haven't grown to live with mom guilt and probably never will. But in an odd way I am comforted to know I'm not alone. And to all you mom-to-bes out there, this guilt is worth watching your baby learn to clap, get an "A" in their worst class, find the perfect dress for prom, get accepted into their preferred college, figure out what they want to be when they "grow up," and watch them get married and start the cycle of parenthood. Seeing the sparkle of amazement in their smile because they know they just did something all on their own MAKES it worth it. I promise one day they will appreciate all you did and know that you never meant to "ruin their life."
So, Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. I hope each of you had the best behaved children and were shown the love you deserve. My mini's were dolls all day long, they couldn't make me a gift, or buy something that screamed "mom" to them, but they must have known it was a special day - they preformed to excellence! (and yes, my husband spoiled me with roses and a card...and my mini's even figured out how to write a card to me, aren't they smart! ha)
I shall step off my soap box now and get to the "good stuff" - the photos. Happy 41st sunday minis! Way to rock being perfect children for today!!!
mister truman

miss aubrey

team huddle on escaping from mom and that camera, "break"

tata for now, happy mother's day!
(disclaimer: I honestly think mom guilt comes mainly from two things...being worried what others think of your parenting based on your kids behavior/development or the multiple studies that just KNOW how you could be the perfect mom!)
annie & mini's