Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Lizard Welcome!

Yes, I am back in Georgia. I will be sure to post more about my trip and the first couple days, but first I had to share with everyone my cardio workout for today. Sure, some would say moving furniture into a townhome is cardio, but I beg to differ on that. I think the true workout for today came when I found myself chasing a lizard that somehow...wait for it....got inside our townhome!

You heard me right...there was a lizard in our home and it greeted me when I opened the door with a load of boxes. Just hanging out below the first step, staring at me, just saying with its eyes, "hello there lady!" Sure it was colorful, blue and green and purple, but in no way did I find this thing "cute." It was my enemy. A 4 inch enemy with four legs that could outrun an olympic athelete.

So, naturally I immediately slam the door and decide then and there that the lizard can have the house. I like sleeping under the stars anyway, I'll just hang by the sidewalk until it decides to let itself out. No problem. Seconds into that thought I realized that there are MORE of them outside then inside. Knowing this, I had to face this thing head on, but how?

I call Christine. (I don't want to know how that call sounded to her as it would only embarass me) She advised me to grab a cup and a spatula (working with little to nothing in this house) and catch the lizard. Catch it? Really, this can be done? Okay. Off I went. In the front door, took two leaps to my kitchen, grabbed a plastic cup and a big spoon.

Since I've kept my eye on it I know exactly how to get it. I sneak up behind it, just hanging out behind a table leg, and before I could move fast enough the thing bolted to be underneath me chair. Shoot. This IS NOT working. That thing sprints. So, I call Christine back. What in the world do I do now, the cup is too small and the spoon is tiny, that thing will easily climb out and then be ON ME...gross!

Per her advice I grab a pan (thankfully I was ambitious last night and unpacked one kitchen box). Now it's on like donkey kong. I know it is still under the chair so I do a quick flip and the thing is off to the races again. Now in the corner I am chasing it...then back to the other corner...then back to the first corner...then back to the other corner...well, this corner business goes on for a while. Then it outsmarts me and goes under my couch. Shoot...this isn't going to be so easy to flip! But I know that in order to actually get any sleep tonight it MUST be done. I finally flip it and smack my pan down on the floor.

I missed...but not completely. There was this tail fileling (is that a word) around on the floor - missing from the lizard. Crap, crap, crap. I grab the cup for the tail....put that on the table. Ew, gross...my entire body did the hee-bee jee-bee shake. But now the lizard is underneath the flipped couch and chair so i quickly flip both while trying to stand away (god forbid this thing runs on my foot!). Boom, get them both up and after a couple more laps around the living room I finally caught it! I had it captured. So, the tail, the lizard and I went outside. I walked out of our development and dropped it off. Yes, I walked nearly a half mile to ASSURE I could get rest tonight. I didn't want it anywhere near for revenge...I knew that thing wanted to get back at me!

So, I have no images for this as I was too busy chasing a lizard for a good ten minutes today. I survived it, not without a few blood curdling screams, but I did. Afterwards I just had to take a shower, I haven't had that good of a workout in a while. Welcome back to Georgia! lizard style

tata for now, I need to go do lizard dishes now.



Anonymous said...

I am SO glad that it decided to move in after I left...I think...I'm torn because it sounds like it could have been pretty entertaining to watch! Okay...now I wish I would have been there to take pictures! Glad to hear you'll get some sleep!


Anonymous said...

Welcome "Home"!

I'm bummed I didn't get to see you. Hopefully next time. I miss you.

Annie said...

Trust me shannon - you would have never wanted to witness that debacle. It was priceless, but you wouldn't have wanted it here when we were sleeping on the floor, now would you?

Elizabeth Hansen said...

Aw, you could've had a pet. (probably some exotic thing that escaped from SeaWorld that would've grown to 19 feet.) Welcome back to home office living, Annie!

Anonymous said...

funny story! I could just see you! :)

Sue B

Unknown said...

You should pitch your story to one of the cable channels: Annie's Guide to Urban Animal Survival!

:) Amber U.