Monday, November 30, 2009

Our move to upstate New York

Many have wondered where we are (including ourselves), so I wanted to update everyone that we have officially made the move to NY. We chose to do the move over the long Thanksgiving weekend.

We were bright eyed and ready for the adventure when we left Georgia Friday afternoon. But, things quickly started to turn a direction neither of us anticipated. I could write a book on the past three days, but instead I have decided to leave the narration up to the photos below. Enjoy the photo book of our last three days full of adventures!

Mile Marker 99.6 of our trip...

Sad we were in this situation so early...

But happy that we got to a safe place before the tire blew!

Mile marker 528.1...
Nearly a two hour delay, but Mikey actually fixed it before the repair guy...then we were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic, but overall just happy we were "on the road again"
...yet throughout Day Two we had two more delays, so we had to call it a night in Syracuse
(just one hour from our final destination)

Somewhere over 975 miles (stopped tracking)...

And this happened twice on Day Three...but this final one was the end of our truck driving, we had to call in help to get us to our hotel...

our version of Optimus Prime came to our rescue...and he came back today to bring us to our storage unit to unload.

There you have it, our first family move. We are at a hotel and exhausted, but even with all the problems we have this to say:

1) we are safe
2) we kept our wits (diminished a bit each delay, but overall more laughs then anything)
3) we say Penske has some great customer service, especially for a holiday weekend.

I have tons of words that I could put to this move, but I will digress. Enjoy the photo story and if you really want I will write a short novel on this!!!

Thanks for all the support, we are going to keep this adventure of our first family move going!

tata for now,


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ladies & Gentlemen: THE WHEELS ARE UP!

Yes, you heard me correct...the wheels are up!!! Today is the end of counting lonely Wednesdays.

We have 51 Wednesday behind us, 361 days apart done. Check that box, we are finished!

Right here, right now I take a vow to always remind myself of this moment, this feeling. And I vow to try to always remember the little things, they are what I miss the most and I should never take them for granted.

Thank you for your support - he's on his way home. T-12 hours!!!

tata for now,


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Lizard Welcome!

Yes, I am back in Georgia. I will be sure to post more about my trip and the first couple days, but first I had to share with everyone my cardio workout for today. Sure, some would say moving furniture into a townhome is cardio, but I beg to differ on that. I think the true workout for today came when I found myself chasing a lizard that somehow...wait for inside our townhome!

You heard me right...there was a lizard in our home and it greeted me when I opened the door with a load of boxes. Just hanging out below the first step, staring at me, just saying with its eyes, "hello there lady!" Sure it was colorful, blue and green and purple, but in no way did I find this thing "cute." It was my enemy. A 4 inch enemy with four legs that could outrun an olympic athelete.

So, naturally I immediately slam the door and decide then and there that the lizard can have the house. I like sleeping under the stars anyway, I'll just hang by the sidewalk until it decides to let itself out. No problem. Seconds into that thought I realized that there are MORE of them outside then inside. Knowing this, I had to face this thing head on, but how?

I call Christine. (I don't want to know how that call sounded to her as it would only embarass me) She advised me to grab a cup and a spatula (working with little to nothing in this house) and catch the lizard. Catch it? Really, this can be done? Okay. Off I went. In the front door, took two leaps to my kitchen, grabbed a plastic cup and a big spoon.

Since I've kept my eye on it I know exactly how to get it. I sneak up behind it, just hanging out behind a table leg, and before I could move fast enough the thing bolted to be underneath me chair. Shoot. This IS NOT working. That thing sprints. So, I call Christine back. What in the world do I do now, the cup is too small and the spoon is tiny, that thing will easily climb out and then be ON ME...gross!

Per her advice I grab a pan (thankfully I was ambitious last night and unpacked one kitchen box). Now it's on like donkey kong. I know it is still under the chair so I do a quick flip and the thing is off to the races again. Now in the corner I am chasing it...then back to the other corner...then back to the first corner...then back to the other corner...well, this corner business goes on for a while. Then it outsmarts me and goes under my couch. Shoot...this isn't going to be so easy to flip! But I know that in order to actually get any sleep tonight it MUST be done. I finally flip it and smack my pan down on the floor.

I missed...but not completely. There was this tail fileling (is that a word) around on the floor - missing from the lizard. Crap, crap, crap. I grab the cup for the tail....put that on the table. Ew, entire body did the hee-bee jee-bee shake. But now the lizard is underneath the flipped couch and chair so i quickly flip both while trying to stand away (god forbid this thing runs on my foot!). Boom, get them both up and after a couple more laps around the living room I finally caught it! I had it captured. So, the tail, the lizard and I went outside. I walked out of our development and dropped it off. Yes, I walked nearly a half mile to ASSURE I could get rest tonight. I didn't want it anywhere near for revenge...I knew that thing wanted to get back at me!

So, I have no images for this as I was too busy chasing a lizard for a good ten minutes today. I survived it, not without a few blood curdling screams, but I did. Afterwards I just had to take a shower, I haven't had that good of a workout in a while. Welcome back to Georgia! lizard style

tata for now, I need to go do lizard dishes now.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009


A+ for those that commented on the pop quiz! F for me not posting enough to keep readers interested!!!!

Time to finish packing so I can sleep and get to the next Wednesday!

goodnight readers,


Room full of boxes

As I sit here in a room where the furniture and all signs of occupancy have been removed, I wonder why I am not jumping around dancing on this perfectly positioned dance floor. The image of this room means the 52nd Wednesday will be here soon. I will again get precious kisses on my forehead. I will again fall asleep with the warmth of my husbands breath. I will again have his arms around me and be completely and totally safe. I will again be the "typical married woman." But yet, the rollercoaster continues. Tonight I look around and emotions of every kind fill me. I am proud, scared, excited, sad, overjoyed, overwhelmed in good and not-so-good ways.

I am proud of my husband. I am proud that we survived these weeks and are more in love and stronger than before. I am proud I survived in a fairly normal manner!

I am scared because I don't really know what to expect. I am scared because I don't know how to do it all.

I am excited because we get to live our lives together, not seperate. I am sad because I have to say goodbye, or shall I say "see you later."

I am overjoyed because I get to say hello...WE get to continue our family on the same soil.

I am overwhelmed because I don't know what to expect, where to go, or even what to say. But most of all I am overwhelmed with knowing that no matter where I land, I am surrounded by love.

I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but at least I know that no matter what emotion catches me, I will survive...and my survival is not because I can "do this alone." I've never done any of this alone. And I thank each of you for that. thank you.

tata for now, I'm off to go dance as that is the mood that strikes me now. and until next a bit for me when your kids are driving you nuts, your husband isn't home for supper, or life just seems to be a cruel joke of murphy's law. Know that you are some you have never even met.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pop QUIZ!!!

How many Wednesdays are left?

(leave your guess in the comments section)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2 for $20

As I sit here with the television on to drown out the quiet, there is one commercial that continues to make me smile. It's a simple commercial that isn't targeted at pulling out these emotions, rather it is simply trying to get the viewers to go eat there and enjoy a meal on a budget. But, for me it means more.

I smile because for long enough now I've relied on family and friends to take advantage of the 2 for $20 deal, and soon I will be able to look to my right while watching television and ask my husband if he wants to go on a date with me! That, that thought is what makes me smile. And now maybe the 2 for $20 commercial will be more than just an advertisement to you, maybe now it will make you smile for your own reason. Smile everyone, life's blessings are all just have to search sometimes.

tata for now,


I love you mister!!!

**PS...this post has nothing to do with me being in's really a true story and I'm not trying to plug any establishment. (wink. wink.)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's been a while...

I noticed the other day that it has been a while since my last post on here. I had a great piece from our anniversary date, but I forgot to hit "publish". And now it just seems a bit too late, but maybe I'll let it grace the pages later this year.

My urge to blog today came from one of my friends. She is living through this long deployment with me, only she has two kids to keep balanced as well. I, well I just have my own emotions to keep in check. I admire her daily. She has been a great mentor to me as I learn the ropes of being an Army wife. And through it all a very close friend that I will forever cherish. Today her life is a bit different. She is waiting with high anticipation for her R&R visit from her husband. They have been apart for 9 full months...NINE. I am so happy for her, for all of them. If you were sitting across from me right now you'd think it was my husband that was coming home. I cannot stop grinning and my eyes are glossy, nearly ready to shed a tear of joy and excitement!

It makes me wonder, has she planned out her outfit? Has she questioned whether she is going to be good at kissing or sharing a bed again? Has she thought about drinking a 7-up to calm the butterflies in her stomach? Has she experienced the joy of doing his laundry again? Will she take one moment of every day to stare at her husband and smile, even when he is doing the most "normal" daily tasks of life? Will she wake up 5 minutes before him to watch him sleep in the comfort of his own home? Will the clock become an enemy as she wants to slow time down, while the other wives want to speed it up? No matter what she has or will do, everything will be perfect.

And if not, then I guess I'm just a bit crazy...because those are all the feelings I had before Mikey came home. And knowing she is waiting for this moment jolts me right back to the day I picked him up. A perfect day, much like our wedding day where we forgot anyone was around us watching. No one will take that special moment away from any of us spouses, and for those that have yet to experience that...I hope it comes soon.

...and batman, enjoy all the moments, you & the kids deserve all of them!!! I'll try to slow the clock for you too!

(And a special note...only 13 more wednesday's left!!!!)

tata for now,


Monday, May 25, 2009

Thank you, we are proud!

Thank you to the troops that have served our country, making sacrifices for all of us.

Thank you to all the families that stand beside their soldier, making sacrifices for all of them.

Thank you to everyone that supports our troops and all of our troops past, present and future.

We all love you. Stay safe and we will wait patiently for our Tigersharks to come home so we can hug them a little longer.

Strike at Night.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

memories brought from smells

Here I am, in the apartment trying to collect my life, thoughts and sleep before going back to work tomorrow. Then I walk into my bedroom to put away my husbands clean clothes and I catch a new smell. A smell that up until April 23rd had not been in this apartment. The smell of my husband's cologne lurks in between these walls. Immediately I am saddened that I don't get to wake up next to him, that I don't get to ask for Pizza Ranch Taco Pizza at 9 AM (when he was simply asking me if I needed anything...from within the apartment, perhaps a water?), that I don't get to live in fantasy land and run to Denver on a whim, that I don't get to feel his arms wrapped around me and feel that complete comfort of being safe. I miss him. I miss us together in the same room, the same state, the same country. I miss our face to face talks. I miss hearing the shower running when putting my make-up on. I miss being his co-pilot. I miss hearing his laugh when watching a youtube video. I miss falling asleep on his lap. I miss my Mikey.

Tonight, the silence and smells of my apartment haunt me. It jolts me back to October 2008. But, unlike last fall this time the hurt is different. I no longer fear the unknown, the unknown is now known. I no longer dread 52 Wednesdays, we only have 23 left. I no longer wonder how my husband really is, I know he is okay.

But, no matter these feelings of sadness, the last 14 days were completely worth it. I would never change a minute of our time. We shared laughs, exchanged stories, held on tight to one another. We were us, together again for 14 full days. I thank my husband for being such an amazing man. I am proud of his work and will always stand beside him. He is my blessing. I love him for him, even the part of being in the Army and having long business trips.

We shared many funny things on our vacation and soon I will post pictures and share some of our crazy the time we took the "public transportation bus" in denver to see the Coor's Brewery, or the time we scalped tickets to see a playoff game of the Nuggets, or the time...well, I think I'll leave some of those stories to those we shared them with!

Check back soon, I will post the funnies of our vaca together!

Thank you to all for your continued support and all the love while Mikey was home. We are both fortunate to have loving family and friends that take care of us, especially me while my hubbers is away.

tata for now,


Thursday, April 23, 2009

He's almost home....for 14 FULL days!

Mikey has been en route to the states for a few days now. And now in about 2 hours I will get to have his arms around me. As you can imagine, I'm ecstatic. Which means I'm running on little to no sleep, but not feeling the pain. I finally fell asleep at 3 am last night, and was wide awake by 5:3o am. I don't think I've jumped out of bed so quickly in at least nearly 11 months. I woke up ready to go to work and get things done so I could escape whenever my hubby called.

Today I feel much like I did on our wedding day. I am excited, anxious and a bit nervous...but a good nervous. I have planned my outfit for the past week and prepared all that I can around the house. I am ready to stand at the airport and watch carefully for my husband. Just writing this I can picture me on my tiptoes scanning the crowd exiting the plane, looking as far down the line as I can. Just searching for his eyes to catch mine. Just waiting to see his expression change from tired to excited. I can't wait to drop everything and run to him, jump into his arms and stay there, forgetting that anyone is around us. Six months, one week and one day we've been waiting for this.

Today we get this moment. I have to admit, part of me is nervous for the unknown. Will I remember how to kiss him? Will I remember how to share the bed? Will I remember that he needs to catch up from the 8 hour time difference? Will I remember how to stop time, enjoy the little moments and just relish in the fact that we are by each others sides? I know I'll remember it all (except maybe sharing the bed...I never was good at that!). I know we'll enjoy this 'honeymoon' we've been blessed with.

We hope to see as many people as we can. Thank you for all your support and each of you can smile a little bigger, dance a little wilder, scream of excitement and shed a couple tears of joy because Mister Mikey is going to be home!!!

tata for now - hope to see you soon!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

26 Wednesdays done!!!!

Six months ago today I was the wife watching my husband gather the troops and get onto a bus, knowing I was not going to see him for a year. I barely kept standing on my own, allowing tears to fall down my face, past my chin and drenching my shirt. I was the one that wouldn't leave until the last bus left. I was the one that couldn't imagine walking to my car, driving away from my husband and entering our home without him. I was the one clinging to every last word he spoke, every last touch we shared, every last look into each others eyes. I was the one that leaned on all my family and friends by never saying much, just sniffling from heartache. I was the one that had no idea how I was going to make it through one day, one week, one month or one year without my husband to wake up to every morning. I was the one that couldn't give you the guarantee that I'd be okay. I was torn, I was numb, I was lost.
Now today, six months later I am the wife that is thankful to know we are half way done with this year. I am the one that is standing on both feet with my husband still by my side. I am the one that still sheds tears, but never allows them to drench my shirt. I am the one that has made a new home for us, in a land dear to both our hearts. I am the one that changes the insurance, rents our Georgia home, and files our taxes, all with the assistance of my husband. I am the one that documents every moment of my days in weekly letters to my husband. Today I am the one that awakes every day, turns on the computer and checks for a sweet IM from my husband. Today I am the one that still leans on my family and friends, but with more words than sniffling. I am the one that still has no idea how to manage day-to-day without my husband in the same room, but I now completely understand that I am NOT doing this alone. I have my husband. He is with me every step of the way. I am now the one that can tell you, we survived six months. And we WILL survive the last six months.

I know that this hasn't been an easy portion of our lives together, but what I do know is that we have continued to strengthen our love and marriage. I'll be the first to admit that the last six months have definitely had their bad moments. I have learned to stop watching national news, learned to lean on those around me (especially my army wives), and always remembered to keep perspective - I still DO have my husband. Most of all I am reminded that each and every one of us gets our strength through our Lord. I have been blessed by him for giving me such a loving husband and he knew that we would get through this stronger.

So, now onto the next six months. The bonus, in these next 6 months I will get to be held by my husband for 14 days. I haven't forgotten his touch, but the strength of his touch will move me more than I can remember. I can't wait Mikey. Soon we will get to be us. Us doing everything and nothing at the same time. Cannot wait to "hold you" again!

Love for all, especially bunches to mister Mikey.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

a fight against the Red River

Today is a day of rest for many in the Fargo-Moorhead region, but we all are resting carefully knowing that our battle against the Mighty Red is no where near over. We watch as they tell us the level is at 40.5 and will rise again on Sunday. We know that this normally 14 foot river isn't done with us yet.

This week we've witnessed this community show their hearts filled with selflessness. We all pull together, run shifts 24 hours a day, work as long as we possibly can with fuel from others with their donations of food, water and extra shelter. The days have brought strangers together, singing in a line while tossing sandbags down in blizzard conditions and snow up to our ankles. At one point I was between prisoners and some Amish men, an interesting mix. Nevertheless, we all joined to battle. We walked into backyards and stood in awe of what these homeowners were facing and not a single one of us wanted to leave them to fight it on their own. We all wanted to stay until the city would force us out...kicking and screaming.

With all of this the emotions in this city, in each resident have been amazing. You hear it, the attitudes are all positive. But trust in me, until you witness it, stand beside those with it, you will never be moved to tears by it. Tears of joy, amazement, appreciation. But, we all know those aren't the only tears we have here this week. We have tears because we are truly scared. You hear the first "mandatory evacuation" over the radio and it breaks you. It breaks you knowing you may not beat this river, it breaks you to think those strangers that are now your family are losing this battle. They are our family, we all worked tirelessly to make sure they could stay in their home...not just their house, but stay comforted in their home. Yet, when one individual has a slight crack in their confidence, there is another person beside them, holding onto their confidence only to give it back to them through a hug or a simple smile. It isn't easy, nor is it over, but we will carry one another through this. We will be strong and weak, but never at the same time.

Thank you for all the prayers, extra help and concern for our community. We hold a special place here for all of it. And this week, I personally, as an army wife, got a slight glimpse of what saving something feels like. I am here fighting to save our city, while my husband fights to save our country. Never could this be on the same scale, but I feel blessed to have a piece of what he sees every day.

I will be sure to post some photos of the Red and Drain 27. I am not currently in my place, as Drain 27 is right next to me. But, when I get back to Internet again I will be sure to send more updates.

Just know that this week has been a rollercoaster, but I wouldn't imagine going through this rollercoaster in any other community. I love this city, I love the Midwest.

tata for now,


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


My husband said it best via a text message while I was sandbagging:
"Isn't it odd that you are in a place surrounded by water, with trucks of sand. And I'm in a place surrounded by sand, with trucks of water."

Yes, that my friends is true irony. (at least I think!) And yes, this is why I married him...because he's a thinker!

Love that mister of mine.

Tata for now, I'll write more about the flood battle later, if my arms hold up their strength!


Sunday, February 22, 2009


I woke up early on Saturday morning and as I glanced to the other side of the bed, I realized what I miss most on the weekends. I miss looking over at my husband as he sleeps a little longer than me, I miss just watching him, playing with this hair, kissing his face. I miss "accidentally" waking him up so we could go downstairs in our pajamas, make some coffee and chat about anything. I miss hanging out like that together until the afternoon when we decide to finally get ready for the outside world.

I miss his gentle hand on my back as we stroll along in Savannah.

I miss his arm around me.

I miss him holding me and forgetting anyone is around us.

But I know these weekends will return. I know that someday my man with hold me, kiss me and whisper sweet somethings into my ear. And until then, I'll stay strong. I'll surround myself with loving friends and family. I will continue to be his wife, taking care of our house here.

I will wait patiently for our weekends together to return. I will always remember our weekend moments, and I will forever appreciate these "little" things always and forever.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Fire! A real live fire made me reflect on my "what would you bring" list

You know the age old question, what would you bring if you had to leave because of a fire? Everyone knows their answers, usually kids, pets and personal items follow. Well, I've known my answer and my items are as such:
1. My husband or any other human with me
2. My phone, computer and camera
3. My purse
4. My photos (negatives and DVDs)
5. Financial files & important documents
6. My jewelry
7. My homemade quilt and other favorite blankets (green girl & westie)
8. An outfit (never know when you'll get back in)
9. Favorite pair of shoes

Sounds like a long list, and as I type it I realize it is a long list. But, last night at 3:30 AM I was truly tested on what I would haul out if someone yelled FIRE.

I was awoke by my apartment door buzzer, which immediately made me think "now I know why I hate living in apartments. Because the drunks come home and think it is hilarious to buzz everyone's apartments." As the thought passes through my head I hear a frantic, loud three knocks on my door. I was WIDE awake now and listening to several knocks all the way down the hall. Again, I thought it is only a group of drunk SuperBowl Steeler fans that just want to play a practical joke. Suddenly my ears perked up as I heard "FIRE, Evacuate NOW!" I hopped out of bed, ran to the door and peaked out. It wasn't a group of drunk boys, it was a nice blonde hair neighbor gal making sure all of us were safe. So, I closed the door to go back and "get my stuff."

In a quick moment I realized my darn list was TOO long. So, I put some boots on, grabbed my glasses, packed up my computer, put on my wedding ring, bundled up in a winter coat, flung my purse over my shoulder and I was OUT. I started towards the North entrance and as soon as I got to the stairwell I could smell the smoke. Thrust into full "fire drill mode" I cautiously, calmly went down the stairs (which I never thought I'D be the calm one), briefly touched the door handle. It wasn't hot so I proceeded. I went right out the door, but not without glancing down the hall of first floor. It was full of smoke.

Once we were outside it was only a matter of moments until the fire crew arrived. Thirty minutes later we were sent back into our apartments, with hallways filled with smoke residue and smell. I lied wide awake thinking, did I take all I said I would. NOPE. Not even close. Here is what I actually took:
1. Myself
2. My phone and computer
3. My wedding ring
4. My bedside photo of Mike
5. Jacket, purse and winter boots

I neglected several things on my list. I did think of them as I sat out in the cold, but nonetheless I realized that none of that matters. I got what was most important and ALL of us were safe. It wasn't a big fire, but thankfully to the gal who yelled FIRE we all were safe. Since the fire alarms weren't working, it was her caring for each of us that made me really smile.

And yes, I did call to get renter's insurance as it dawned on my that I didn't have it and I was totally borrowing my entire apartment. Yikes. No worries, I will have it by end of day.

Love you all and tata for now - remember, try to keep your "what you'd bring small, because it really doesn't need to be more."


Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Mikey!

Today is the day that Mikey turns another year older. He is 29 today and I realized that this year he gets to celebrate his birthday for 32 hours. Wow! He gets his normal 24 hours during the central time zone, plus the 8 hours that he is ahead of us in whatever time zone that is! I know, technically he still only gets 24 hours, but I'm going with my thoughts instead of reality! (normal me, I know)

So, Happy 29th Birthday mister Mikey! I love you, miss you and am giving you several virtual hugs and kisses. I hope you have enjoyed your 32 hours of turning 29! And remember, next year for your 30th we'll be in the same country! I can't wait!!! Another milestone down...

Love you honey...

tata for now,


Friday, January 2, 2009

A Familiar Face in an Unfamiliar Place

Check it's Mikey! He finally took the "typical Iraq photo" and sent it to me to share.

He is spending more time flying then he initally thought he would be. His days are busy with either flying or his other daily routine (not sure what that includes!). He has a 12 hour shift that usually runs longer. He is enjoying all his packages and feels very spoiled. I can tell getting mail makes him smile, I can hear it in his voice when I talk to him. Thank you to everyone for supporting us in the many ways each of you do. I will continue to update you as time progresses. For now, enjoy seeing his smiling face again! And Happy New Year!

Mikey's coming home this year!!!

Isn't he adorable? I know, adorable is the wrong word when looking at a photo full of weaponry but I just had to say it!

tata for now,
