Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Reality check...from a 3 year old...ouch

I promised a funny story...so Tyndale (my nearly 3 year old niece) provided me with this:

It was a relaxing Saturday morning at my sister's house. It was midway through the morning so I decided to finally get ready.

After my shower I was walking down the stairs with wet curly hair, no makeup and my clothes for the day. Tyndie turned her head, gave me a "hmmm" look and said, "Auntie Annie?" I quickly assured her it was me, just with curly hair. As I am hitting the last step she realizes I have a make-up bag in my hand and asks if she can watch me put it on. "Of course!"
...she's totally excited and grinning from ear to ear at this point...

She knelt on the toilet seat and leaned in towards me putting her hands on the counter. Asking "what's that?" every time I pulled something new out of my bag. Then, when I was done I thought who better to ask than Tyndie for a final product review.

I turn, look at her and ask 'how do I look?" To which she quickly responds.........
"Not so good Auntie Annie."

I am pretty sure my jaw dropped. Then, with a half grin on my face (still trying not to laugh) I said, well is there anything I can do to fix it. Tyndie then gets down from the toilet, looks up at me as she is at the door of the bathroom and right before exiting shrugs her shoulders, puts her hands up in the air and says "ummm...no."

Yep, there she was, shrugging me off as a lost cause. Guess I'll be sure to ask her to apply my makeup next time!

thanks Tyndie for keeping my self-esteem in check!

tata for now...



Anonymous said...

Wow...I would sure be embarrassed if that were my kid...oh wait, that IS my kid. What can I say, she is like her mother...calls 'em like she sees 'em:-)


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, did I say she is like her mother...I meant to say like her grandmother!

Anonymous said...

nice work tyndie, keep her in check while i'm gone! popsicles on me.
