Saturday, September 13, 2008

'Bite me'

My husband was the unfortunate victim of a very rough wake up call.

He was flying nights, so we switched sides of the bed so I was now in charge of the alarm. And, the first alarm rang and I just had to hit snooze, and as I rolled back over my husband was there to cuddle me (or take over my side of the bed). I quickly fell back asleep and drifted into a dream. In my dream these big hairy man arms were trying to wrap themselves around me and I really thought he was going to steal me. So, for some reason my arms couldn't move so my instinct kicked in and I did what anyone would do to survive. I went for the bite...and CHOMP, I bite the inside of his forearm. However, in reality my husband was quickly jerking away from me as I realized that I had just chomped his forehead and left eye. He quickly gives me a look of shock and says, "what are you doing?" (really wanting to add weirdo in there) and my response was that of a toddlers..."I'm biting you." As I have the look on my face like how do you not know this? And then suddenly I really woke up and told him it was part of a dream and he just gave me a glare (rightfully so) and got as close to the other edge as possible.

Needless to say he still reminds me of my abuse to him, and all I can think is since I was sleeping on the wrong side - normally if I did that I'd either bite my pillow or air...I really wonder how many times I chomp in a night!

tata for now...



Anonymous said...

I would sleep in the extra bedroom if I were you, Mike. It's much safer there. I have been whacked and kicked by this same abuser over the years when forced to sleep in the same is just not worth it;-)

(I started to sign "sister Shannon" but that made me feel like a nun)

Anonymous said...

Ok Jay and I are both laughing really hard!! Thanks for sharing!! We miss you 2! Call when you get a chance :) We will update our blog soon.....seems times a flyin :)