This time last year I was:
Not married, nor engaged
Celebrating the Christmas season with my boyfriend and family
Constantly hinting and hoping to open a small box with a shiny diamond for my left hand
Participating in the annual tradition of shopping on Christmas eve with my boyfriend
Oblivious to the idea of what a Christmas without my boyfriend would be like
Sharing every memory with my Mikey
This time this year I am:
Giving thanks for all this last year brought
Smiling because I am a wife
Excited to know I am an “in-law”
Praying my husband finds joy in the season no matter how different it is
Reminded about perspective in life
Enjoying the company of many family and friends
I am a blessed wife, daughter, sister and friend. I thank each of you for standing beside, behind or in front of me. Every hand outstretched to me is the best gift to open. We, as a couple, thank every one of you for your continued thoughts, prayers and gifts. Thank you and be sure to snuggle a little closer with your loved ones and kids.
tata for now and Merry Christmas to all!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Reality check...from a 3 year old...ouch
I promised a funny Tyndale (my nearly 3 year old niece) provided me with this:
It was a relaxing Saturday morning at my sister's house. It was midway through the morning so I decided to finally get ready.
After my shower I was walking down the stairs with wet curly hair, no makeup and my clothes for the day. Tyndie turned her head, gave me a "hmmm" look and said, "Auntie Annie?" I quickly assured her it was me, just with curly hair. As I am hitting the last step she realizes I have a make-up bag in my hand and asks if she can watch me put it on. "Of course!"
...she's totally excited and grinning from ear to ear at this point...
She knelt on the toilet seat and leaned in towards me putting her hands on the counter. Asking "what's that?" every time I pulled something new out of my bag. Then, when I was done I thought who better to ask than Tyndie for a final product review.
I turn, look at her and ask 'how do I look?" To which she quickly responds.........
"Not so good Auntie Annie."
I am pretty sure my jaw dropped. Then, with a half grin on my face (still trying not to laugh) I said, well is there anything I can do to fix it. Tyndie then gets down from the toilet, looks up at me as she is at the door of the bathroom and right before exiting shrugs her shoulders, puts her hands up in the air and says ""
Yep, there she was, shrugging me off as a lost cause. Guess I'll be sure to ask her to apply my makeup next time!
thanks Tyndie for keeping my self-esteem in check!
tata for now...
It was a relaxing Saturday morning at my sister's house. It was midway through the morning so I decided to finally get ready.
After my shower I was walking down the stairs with wet curly hair, no makeup and my clothes for the day. Tyndie turned her head, gave me a "hmmm" look and said, "Auntie Annie?" I quickly assured her it was me, just with curly hair. As I am hitting the last step she realizes I have a make-up bag in my hand and asks if she can watch me put it on. "Of course!"
...she's totally excited and grinning from ear to ear at this point...
She knelt on the toilet seat and leaned in towards me putting her hands on the counter. Asking "what's that?" every time I pulled something new out of my bag. Then, when I was done I thought who better to ask than Tyndie for a final product review.
I turn, look at her and ask 'how do I look?" To which she quickly responds.........
"Not so good Auntie Annie."
I am pretty sure my jaw dropped. Then, with a half grin on my face (still trying not to laugh) I said, well is there anything I can do to fix it. Tyndie then gets down from the toilet, looks up at me as she is at the door of the bathroom and right before exiting shrugs her shoulders, puts her hands up in the air and says ""
Yep, there she was, shrugging me off as a lost cause. Guess I'll be sure to ask her to apply my makeup next time!
thanks Tyndie for keeping my self-esteem in check!
tata for now...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
memorable day for daddy's little girl, and not because of the election. We miss you dad
Today marks a memorable day for America, but for our family it is a memorable day for another reason. Five years ago it was an election day, not presidential of course, but it was a day all five of us kids expected our biggest task for the day would be deciding what Senator to vote for. Instead, our phones started ringing one by one with the news that was impossible to comprehend.
I was standing in my apartment in Amber Valley since I had the day off work I was just getting done getting ready after a grueling workout. It was then that my phone rang. I saw that my brother was calling. I answered with a gut feeling that I made me wonder if I wanted to answer. He asked me if I was sitting down...uh-oh, never a good thing to hear. The rush of thoughts really went to who is in the hospital, who should I be sending flowers to. Never, NEVER ever did I think I'd hear him say our dad died. Just then the phone reception ended the call. I didn't understand - our dad, no way. How? He was healthy, young and vibrant. It had to be an accident, which I was still convinced meant that I could go to the hospital and see him, hug him and remind him how much I loved him. I was prepared to go home from the hospital with him and do anything to heal him. Just then Nathan called back, it was dad, it was OUR dad. It was not an accident, we had no idea how or why it happened. All we knew is that he had passed on by the time our cleaning lady found him on his favorite couch.
Immediately the calling tree began. I called sister Dawn - she called Tina, Nathan then called Shannon. After that, still in shock with tears flowing I called Courtney and my boyfriend. I had to get home to Cooperstown. I had to pack a bag - with clothes for me to attend my own dad's funeral. I was the daddy's girl that suddenly had no idea how to survive without my daddy.
I was crushed...numb...never knowing what to think, do or say. I was silent. My boyfriend and Courtney got me home. Lisa was on her way. And my entire family was meeting at our family home in Cooperstown. We started the process I never imagined to deal with as an unmarried 23 year old.
As each sibling came home we cried harder. We fell to the ground faster. We all wanted to hold one another up, but none of us knew who was going to have the strength. Yet one of us did at the right time. We had a TON of support from friends and family, we shared our last memories with dad, our favorite sayings all while asking why.
We found out that he died from heart disease in the middle of the night. We made it through the funeral (on opening dear hunting weekend) and we began the process of making it day by day. Now here we are, five years later, glued to election coverage. And all remembering our dad and the impact he had on us. Each a different memory.
We love you daddy - we wish we could have had you here to celebrate your 60th birthday.
from your little girl...annie
I was standing in my apartment in Amber Valley since I had the day off work I was just getting done getting ready after a grueling workout. It was then that my phone rang. I saw that my brother was calling. I answered with a gut feeling that I made me wonder if I wanted to answer. He asked me if I was sitting down...uh-oh, never a good thing to hear. The rush of thoughts really went to who is in the hospital, who should I be sending flowers to. Never, NEVER ever did I think I'd hear him say our dad died. Just then the phone reception ended the call. I didn't understand - our dad, no way. How? He was healthy, young and vibrant. It had to be an accident, which I was still convinced meant that I could go to the hospital and see him, hug him and remind him how much I loved him. I was prepared to go home from the hospital with him and do anything to heal him. Just then Nathan called back, it was dad, it was OUR dad. It was not an accident, we had no idea how or why it happened. All we knew is that he had passed on by the time our cleaning lady found him on his favorite couch.
Immediately the calling tree began. I called sister Dawn - she called Tina, Nathan then called Shannon. After that, still in shock with tears flowing I called Courtney and my boyfriend. I had to get home to Cooperstown. I had to pack a bag - with clothes for me to attend my own dad's funeral. I was the daddy's girl that suddenly had no idea how to survive without my daddy.
I was crushed...numb...never knowing what to think, do or say. I was silent. My boyfriend and Courtney got me home. Lisa was on her way. And my entire family was meeting at our family home in Cooperstown. We started the process I never imagined to deal with as an unmarried 23 year old.
As each sibling came home we cried harder. We fell to the ground faster. We all wanted to hold one another up, but none of us knew who was going to have the strength. Yet one of us did at the right time. We had a TON of support from friends and family, we shared our last memories with dad, our favorite sayings all while asking why.
We found out that he died from heart disease in the middle of the night. We made it through the funeral (on opening dear hunting weekend) and we began the process of making it day by day. Now here we are, five years later, glued to election coverage. And all remembering our dad and the impact he had on us. Each a different memory.
We love you daddy - we wish we could have had you here to celebrate your 60th birthday.
from your little girl...annie
Friday, October 24, 2008
I miss my honey...
With that said, I do cherish the quick phone calls where I get to hear his voice and know his daily routine and I relish in his sweet voice messages from before he left and I treasure the email I got because with each of these I know he is doing this because he loves and misses me as well. He doesn't get much time right now to communicate, which makes each piece more precious. I know he wishes he could call or email everyone right now, but his days are long. Please bear with him as he finds his way in how to manage day-to-day life and communication with all of us back home. I don't mean to speak for him (as I know his words would be more eloquent), but I just want to give everyone some insight.
Thank you ALL for your love, support, thoughts and prayers...we are down to 51 Wednesdays and this number will only get smaller. you Mikey!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
52 Wednesday's
My dear, loving husband said it best, "This isn't 365 days, it's 52 Wednesday's." So, tonight begins our 52 week countdown.
Nobody can prepare you for a long good-bye. We found ourselves eating and watching the clock as we counted down the minutes until we had to go on post for the good-bye. Sitting, waiting and wishing we could rewind the clock. Before we knew it the clock struck 7 pm and we were standing there watching Mikey gather the troops to assure everyone was there. Looking around you see children playing, mothers crying and wives and husbands keeping a constant eye on their soldier. We were blessed with another hour and a half, so we sat and visited about anything but what faced us. And, at every pause in the conversation that reminder went off in my mind...he's leaving for a year, go hug him as long as you can. Tears filled my eyes, then laughter filled the air. We kept the mood as light hearted as possible. But we knew as the sky continued to darken the clock had to be coming towards the end. Then the words came from my husbands lips - "only 15 more minutes." Ugh. My heart fell into my stomach and I suddenly wanted to fall to the ground and throw a tantrum like a toddler. I took another look around as Mikey hugged his parents and watched as the kids became fussy, the mothers reached for their son or daughter and the wives/husbands starred at their loved one crying - no longer caring who was watching them. I hated that I had to give the last hug we would share for a year, and a kiss that would last as long. How do you do that in 5 minutes? How do you tell them everything you will miss in 5 minutes? How do you look at your husband and send them off to war knowing those little moments in life will be "on hold." I still don't know how...
I love my husband, I know he'll be home in a year and so now with the help of all my loving friends and family I will survive. I'll miss the "good morning honey" or the "good night sweetheart" or the little glances as we are making supper or just watching him walk through the front door completely exhausted from work. As I told Mikey, I'm not sure what to do with myself when I'm not taking care of him. I love that new role and as we both determined, I'll still do that, just through packages, letters, emails and short phone calls.
Thank you to each of you for all your thoughts, prayers and continued support. I know the year will go quick and we will be in each others arms again soon. I look forward to our second honeymoon and in the mean time I look forward to making memories with everyone here. (And a VERY special THANK YOU to my brother for making a surprise visit to be here as my rock. I was happy to have him join me so I didn't enter our empty home alone. And THANK YOU to my mom and Shannon who are coming to drive me home...I love EACH of you so much - and I know that many others volunteered too...I am a blessed girl)
I love all of you...and Mikey, if you get to read this...Triple Much (and I promise I will be okay)!

Thank you John and Jan for being here...your help was appreciated. Thanks for being my rock too - I'm proud to be your daughter. I love you guys!

I love you Mister Mikey....
Nobody can prepare you for a long good-bye. We found ourselves eating and watching the clock as we counted down the minutes until we had to go on post for the good-bye. Sitting, waiting and wishing we could rewind the clock. Before we knew it the clock struck 7 pm and we were standing there watching Mikey gather the troops to assure everyone was there. Looking around you see children playing, mothers crying and wives and husbands keeping a constant eye on their soldier. We were blessed with another hour and a half, so we sat and visited about anything but what faced us. And, at every pause in the conversation that reminder went off in my mind...he's leaving for a year, go hug him as long as you can. Tears filled my eyes, then laughter filled the air. We kept the mood as light hearted as possible. But we knew as the sky continued to darken the clock had to be coming towards the end. Then the words came from my husbands lips - "only 15 more minutes." Ugh. My heart fell into my stomach and I suddenly wanted to fall to the ground and throw a tantrum like a toddler. I took another look around as Mikey hugged his parents and watched as the kids became fussy, the mothers reached for their son or daughter and the wives/husbands starred at their loved one crying - no longer caring who was watching them. I hated that I had to give the last hug we would share for a year, and a kiss that would last as long. How do you do that in 5 minutes? How do you tell them everything you will miss in 5 minutes? How do you look at your husband and send them off to war knowing those little moments in life will be "on hold." I still don't know how...
I love my husband, I know he'll be home in a year and so now with the help of all my loving friends and family I will survive. I'll miss the "good morning honey" or the "good night sweetheart" or the little glances as we are making supper or just watching him walk through the front door completely exhausted from work. As I told Mikey, I'm not sure what to do with myself when I'm not taking care of him. I love that new role and as we both determined, I'll still do that, just through packages, letters, emails and short phone calls.
Thank you to each of you for all your thoughts, prayers and continued support. I know the year will go quick and we will be in each others arms again soon. I look forward to our second honeymoon and in the mean time I look forward to making memories with everyone here. (And a VERY special THANK YOU to my brother for making a surprise visit to be here as my rock. I was happy to have him join me so I didn't enter our empty home alone. And THANK YOU to my mom and Shannon who are coming to drive me home...I love EACH of you so much - and I know that many others volunteered too...I am a blessed girl)
I love all of you...and Mikey, if you get to read this...Triple Much (and I promise I will be okay)!
Thank you John and Jan for being here...your help was appreciated. Thanks for being my rock too - I'm proud to be your daughter. I love you guys!
I love you Mister Mikey....
Thursday, October 9, 2008
We have been back in North Dakota for a week now and we are both still shivering when we go outside in the mornings. (Okay, let's be honest - I go to work and see the mornings and Mikey sleeps in so he misses that part...but I'll allow it as this IS his vacation!)
We enjoyed our two-day trip up here and Mikey was kind enough to put up with me on constant conference calls and emailing from my new phone. I had hoped to watch our path better so when I take the trip again next week I know where I'm going, but unfortunately I didn't look up much! Which leaves my mom, my sister and I all on our own adventure on the way home! Wish us luck!!!
I want to post more photos on here soon, but right now I just wanted to let everyone know how much warmth we are feeling (even though it isn't our normal 80 degrees outside). We are enjoying our time with friends and family. The memories we have made this week will stick with us forever, which is what happens every time we are here. We laugh, play and are entertained by simply seeing what new things are built in Fargo! Thank you ALL for being such dear friends. We meet up with you and even though months have gone by it never feels like we've missed a single beat.
We hope to see as many people as possible in the last couple days here, so beware...we'll be out! Oh, and thanks to my hubby you WILL feel like the paparatzi have invaded your personal space as I now have a professional camera that I am lovin! So basically my face will look different to everyone as you will only see it with the camera pushed up against my left eye!
tata for now - hugs to everyone and we hope to make the rounds and see all of you.
We enjoyed our two-day trip up here and Mikey was kind enough to put up with me on constant conference calls and emailing from my new phone. I had hoped to watch our path better so when I take the trip again next week I know where I'm going, but unfortunately I didn't look up much! Which leaves my mom, my sister and I all on our own adventure on the way home! Wish us luck!!!
I want to post more photos on here soon, but right now I just wanted to let everyone know how much warmth we are feeling (even though it isn't our normal 80 degrees outside). We are enjoying our time with friends and family. The memories we have made this week will stick with us forever, which is what happens every time we are here. We laugh, play and are entertained by simply seeing what new things are built in Fargo! Thank you ALL for being such dear friends. We meet up with you and even though months have gone by it never feels like we've missed a single beat.
We hope to see as many people as possible in the last couple days here, so beware...we'll be out! Oh, and thanks to my hubby you WILL feel like the paparatzi have invaded your personal space as I now have a professional camera that I am lovin! So basically my face will look different to everyone as you will only see it with the camera pushed up against my left eye!
tata for now - hugs to everyone and we hope to make the rounds and see all of you.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
For Sale...or rent
This post comes with mixed emotions. My first instinct is to jump up and down and say "yippee" we have another check mark on our to-do list. But then reality sets in and I realize what this moment means. We are leaving our first home, we are leaving the place that we started our relationship, we are leaving the home "our family" first owned. But, I have to start forgetting the word 'leaving' and replace it with 'continuing.' Because that is what we are doing. We are continuing our lives together, just in a very different form.
So, here is our house - thank you to all of you that came to visit and share in this home with us. We enjoyed all the company. Every one of you that spent a night in our extra bedroom is special to us and whatever house we have next you are welcome to join us again. Thanks for making memories.
tata for now everyone,
Saturday, September 13, 2008
'Bite me'
My husband was the unfortunate victim of a very rough wake up call.
He was flying nights, so we switched sides of the bed so I was now in charge of the alarm. And, the first alarm rang and I just had to hit snooze, and as I rolled back over my husband was there to cuddle me (or take over my side of the bed). I quickly fell back asleep and drifted into a dream. In my dream these big hairy man arms were trying to wrap themselves around me and I really thought he was going to steal me. So, for some reason my arms couldn't move so my instinct kicked in and I did what anyone would do to survive. I went for the bite...and CHOMP, I bite the inside of his forearm. However, in reality my husband was quickly jerking away from me as I realized that I had just chomped his forehead and left eye. He quickly gives me a look of shock and says, "what are you doing?" (really wanting to add weirdo in there) and my response was that of a toddlers..."I'm biting you." As I have the look on my face like how do you not know this? And then suddenly I really woke up and told him it was part of a dream and he just gave me a glare (rightfully so) and got as close to the other edge as possible.
Needless to say he still reminds me of my abuse to him, and all I can think is since I was sleeping on the wrong side - normally if I did that I'd either bite my pillow or air...I really wonder how many times I chomp in a night!
tata for now...
He was flying nights, so we switched sides of the bed so I was now in charge of the alarm. And, the first alarm rang and I just had to hit snooze, and as I rolled back over my husband was there to cuddle me (or take over my side of the bed). I quickly fell back asleep and drifted into a dream. In my dream these big hairy man arms were trying to wrap themselves around me and I really thought he was going to steal me. So, for some reason my arms couldn't move so my instinct kicked in and I did what anyone would do to survive. I went for the bite...and CHOMP, I bite the inside of his forearm. However, in reality my husband was quickly jerking away from me as I realized that I had just chomped his forehead and left eye. He quickly gives me a look of shock and says, "what are you doing?" (really wanting to add weirdo in there) and my response was that of a toddlers..."I'm biting you." As I have the look on my face like how do you not know this? And then suddenly I really woke up and told him it was part of a dream and he just gave me a glare (rightfully so) and got as close to the other edge as possible.
Needless to say he still reminds me of my abuse to him, and all I can think is since I was sleeping on the wrong side - normally if I did that I'd either bite my pillow or air...I really wonder how many times I chomp in a night!
tata for now...
Sunday, August 31, 2008
adventures of getting lost...
We have been super busy with getting our house painted, fixed and ready to put on the market next week...including moving boxes and extra furniture to our newly acquired storage unit. So, today we went shopping for some of the key elements Mikey is going to need in Iraq and in the midst of it we also got "lost" - Mikey says it was on purpose, but I didn't complain as it was fun to get out and about.
Here are some of the images we captured. I wanted to share them with everyone to see how Savannah is more than just historical beautiful buildings downtown. The first is of an old plantation (yippee, after living here for more than a year I finally got to see a plantation...fenced in and with that long driveway with trees full of Spanish moss!) Although we were sneaking in there just for a quick drive and photos and forgot to pay the entrance fee. Once we saw that sign we turned around - don't worry mom, we were honest people!
The rest of the photos are of the deep water access around the Isles of Hope. It was a beautiful 30 minute detour! Enjoy!!! Nothing is better than a nice cruise with a wonderful husband...except I could have used a Mountain Dew! (wink. wink.)

Here are some of the images we captured. I wanted to share them with everyone to see how Savannah is more than just historical beautiful buildings downtown. The first is of an old plantation (yippee, after living here for more than a year I finally got to see a plantation...fenced in and with that long driveway with trees full of Spanish moss!) Although we were sneaking in there just for a quick drive and photos and forgot to pay the entrance fee. Once we saw that sign we turned around - don't worry mom, we were honest people!
The rest of the photos are of the deep water access around the Isles of Hope. It was a beautiful 30 minute detour! Enjoy!!! Nothing is better than a nice cruise with a wonderful husband...except I could have used a Mountain Dew! (wink. wink.)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
i've divorced our backyard
As Mikey was showering I decided to take out the garbage. Which I've gotten completely comfortable doing while the daylight shines on the lawn. As I was approaching the fence I realized there is something that looks like a leaf. So, I approach this "leaf" and get less than 2 feet away and finally's a snake! I dropped the garbage and ran inside yelling ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, ah, ew, ew. (You get the idea) By the time I get in the door, slamming it shut while watching the ground to assure this snake did not follow me in the house. I went running upstairs to tell Mikey that he had to get out of the shower and get this snake out of our lawn. So, the great husband he is (all while laughing at me) gets out and grabs his robe. But, since I couldn't tell you if it is poisonous or not I told him he had to put his boots on. So, the stud grabs his army boots while wearing his robe and goes to the closet to grab the good ole' hockey stick. There he goes (again I slam the door behind him) - out to battle he is. The whole thing only lasted a minute, but to me it felt like forever. He chased the THREE foot black and green snake out of our lawn and under our fence.
He was a brave man! But no matter what I had the heebie-jeebies for the remainder of the day. And I vowed to Mikey that he will forever be in charge of taking out the garbage, doing all lawn work and grilling. It was great knowing you backyard...we had some great memories, but now I'm done with you! At least until I find this "Snake Away" that Mikey claims exists. Then maybe I'll consider dropping the divorce from our backyard, but until then the front door is the only one I will use, and with caution of course! I am convinced this snake is out to get me.
Wish my hubby luck on putting up with me and my snake fear...and here is my knight in shining armor!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tropical Storm Fay...
Yes, we are currently under "tropical storm warning" and a "flash flood watch" for the upcoming days. Our televisions have been stuck on the weather channel for the past few days. Just watching and waiting, wondering if Fay will change directions. It seems that it won't for now, which is good.
What it means for us? Well, it means we are still getting LOTS of rain and wind gusts up to 45 mph, which will probably result in flash floods and maybe some downed trees or power lines. However, the eye of the storm is not coming to us. Our beaches will have erosion as the tide is high at noon already and it is about 2 feet higher than normal. (Too bad, I really wanted to spend some quality time at the beach)
But, no worries everyone. I am prepared for the power to go out (totally stocked up on batteries) and I have our hurricane survival kit and a full tank of gas. I am 98% sure we will not have to evacuate, but just in case I am ready! Just wanted you to all know that we are okay and just getting as much inside house work done as possible. Us "northern folks" know how to make it through a few days without power and severe storms if need be...hey, we even have MRE's if we get desperate! Thanks hubby for bringing those home:-)
tata for now,
What it means for us? Well, it means we are still getting LOTS of rain and wind gusts up to 45 mph, which will probably result in flash floods and maybe some downed trees or power lines. However, the eye of the storm is not coming to us. Our beaches will have erosion as the tide is high at noon already and it is about 2 feet higher than normal. (Too bad, I really wanted to spend some quality time at the beach)
But, no worries everyone. I am prepared for the power to go out (totally stocked up on batteries) and I have our hurricane survival kit and a full tank of gas. I am 98% sure we will not have to evacuate, but just in case I am ready! Just wanted you to all know that we are okay and just getting as much inside house work done as possible. Us "northern folks" know how to make it through a few days without power and severe storms if need be...hey, we even have MRE's if we get desperate! Thanks hubby for bringing those home:-)
tata for now,
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sever...ugh, no...
Yes, today was the first day that I slipped up while on the phone.
I was just making a return work call when A's (hiding the individual's identity for her protection) voicemail picked up. I was obviously so into my rhythm of my message that when I was repeating my name after my call back number I did it...I slipped up...I knew my first name, but for the first time I started saying my maiden name. Ooops! I professionally just added my married name to the end so that I didn't sound like a confused blonde. (Which yes, I know I am!)
Just had to fess up! I'll be sure to update more on the progress around our house and married life. Let's just say I think we've seen each other 4 of the 9 weeks we've been married...ah, marital bliss - just kidding, I miss my hubby when he is gone.
Okay - rambling now, so tata for now!
I was just making a return work call when A's (hiding the individual's identity for her protection) voicemail picked up. I was obviously so into my rhythm of my message that when I was repeating my name after my call back number I did it...I slipped up...I knew my first name, but for the first time I started saying my maiden name. Ooops! I professionally just added my married name to the end so that I didn't sound like a confused blonde. (Which yes, I know I am!)
Just had to fess up! I'll be sure to update more on the progress around our house and married life. Let's just say I think we've seen each other 4 of the 9 weeks we've been married...ah, marital bliss - just kidding, I miss my hubby when he is gone.
Okay - rambling now, so tata for now!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The happy couple
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
ah...childhood memories
As I go through my nightly routine of brushing my teeth, taking out my contacts and taking NyQuil to assure a good sleep with this cold I'm reminded of a childhood memory.
I was in grade school, the year that I was now being called four-eyes because of my lovely big tan glasses, the ones that when I smiled my cheeks pushed them off my nose, yes it was my dorky years with awkward teeth and strange hair. I remember one night seeing my dad take NyQuil in his downstairs bathroom. (I call it his because we never showered in there...rather the six others of the family all used the "family bathroom" upstairs - which dad later lectured me that I should always make sure me and my husband share a bathroom and closet...okay, getting off subject) Of course it peaked my curiosity, for what reason I'm not sure. So, as the little investigator that I was I waited patiently downstairs acting like nothing was going on...I was just checking out the photos framed in the hallway. (nothing odd about that, I'm sure dad thought I just was waiting to "go number 2" which many of us made a point to do only downstairs!) Once dad left the bathroom and I knew for sure he was upstairs I tiptoed quietly into his bathroom, jumped up on his sink to reach his cabinet and yep, there it was - second shelf from the bottom. A bottle of NyQuil - only half full of green liquid. At that point I knew it, I was shocked by it, I finally figured out that my dad was addicted to this green stuff they call NyQuil.
I remember the next day clearly - I walked onto the playground between classes and gathered my friends in a group to tell them this shocking news. I carefully, not too loudly, announced that I found out last night my dad had an addiction to NyQuil...and this stuff had alcohol in it (which I found out because I asked mom what was in it and she told me I couldn't take any because of the alcohol in it - sneaky, I know!) I don't remember more than a few friends gasping like it was the worst thing ever and then the rest of the gang just running away to go swing or play on the monkey bars. But to me, it was tough. I never did confront dad about it until I was around 17 years of that point I had figured out that it was common practice to keep medicine in a cabinet called the "medicine cabinet" - we had some good chuckles over it and looking back it was just another "Annie moment."
tata for now...and remember, NyQuil isn't the enemy!
I was in grade school, the year that I was now being called four-eyes because of my lovely big tan glasses, the ones that when I smiled my cheeks pushed them off my nose, yes it was my dorky years with awkward teeth and strange hair. I remember one night seeing my dad take NyQuil in his downstairs bathroom. (I call it his because we never showered in there...rather the six others of the family all used the "family bathroom" upstairs - which dad later lectured me that I should always make sure me and my husband share a bathroom and closet...okay, getting off subject) Of course it peaked my curiosity, for what reason I'm not sure. So, as the little investigator that I was I waited patiently downstairs acting like nothing was going on...I was just checking out the photos framed in the hallway. (nothing odd about that, I'm sure dad thought I just was waiting to "go number 2" which many of us made a point to do only downstairs!) Once dad left the bathroom and I knew for sure he was upstairs I tiptoed quietly into his bathroom, jumped up on his sink to reach his cabinet and yep, there it was - second shelf from the bottom. A bottle of NyQuil - only half full of green liquid. At that point I knew it, I was shocked by it, I finally figured out that my dad was addicted to this green stuff they call NyQuil.
I remember the next day clearly - I walked onto the playground between classes and gathered my friends in a group to tell them this shocking news. I carefully, not too loudly, announced that I found out last night my dad had an addiction to NyQuil...and this stuff had alcohol in it (which I found out because I asked mom what was in it and she told me I couldn't take any because of the alcohol in it - sneaky, I know!) I don't remember more than a few friends gasping like it was the worst thing ever and then the rest of the gang just running away to go swing or play on the monkey bars. But to me, it was tough. I never did confront dad about it until I was around 17 years of that point I had figured out that it was common practice to keep medicine in a cabinet called the "medicine cabinet" - we had some good chuckles over it and looking back it was just another "Annie moment."
tata for now...and remember, NyQuil isn't the enemy!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The Royal Treatment

Sunday, June 22, 2008
"rock of the marne ma'am"
Today has been a very productive day overall. I've gotten our wedding gifts put away and packed up the items it replaced. I also gave away SEVERAL pairs of shoes! doesn't stop there, I also cleaned our entire place, except the master bedroom.
BUT, the highlight of the day was driving onto post at the guarded gate, it's the one that I was NEVER able to go through without being in Mikey's car. However; now I am officially part of the Army. As a wife I have stickers on my windshield that allow me to use THAT gate! Yippee. And, as I showed him my military ID he responded with "Rock of the Marne Ma'am." Wow, that's something they used to only say when Mikey was with me...I'm thinking at this point this is really cool. Then as I drive the speed limit (I don't need a ticket on my first day on post all alone...what would Mikey think!). I passed a MP (phew, passed that test) and found my way to the commissary. I made it - I can now get those great deals on pop without calling Mikey to make sure he gets there before coming home. It was official again! Instead of me rambling on and on I should just stop and say this - I finally felt ownership to being in the Army. I've been left off my leash and Mikey no longer has to hold my hand while on-post.
Phew, now to sit here and watch Lifetime - I need to make sure I catch up on Army Wives so I can really see what they mess up. Mikey always points it out and now the test is on for me...let's see how much knowledge I really have!
Tata for now everyone...thanks for joining!
BUT, the highlight of the day was driving onto post at the guarded gate, it's the one that I was NEVER able to go through without being in Mikey's car. However; now I am officially part of the Army. As a wife I have stickers on my windshield that allow me to use THAT gate! Yippee. And, as I showed him my military ID he responded with "Rock of the Marne Ma'am." Wow, that's something they used to only say when Mikey was with me...I'm thinking at this point this is really cool. Then as I drive the speed limit (I don't need a ticket on my first day on post all alone...what would Mikey think!). I passed a MP (phew, passed that test) and found my way to the commissary. I made it - I can now get those great deals on pop without calling Mikey to make sure he gets there before coming home. It was official again! Instead of me rambling on and on I should just stop and say this - I finally felt ownership to being in the Army. I've been left off my leash and Mikey no longer has to hold my hand while on-post.
Phew, now to sit here and watch Lifetime - I need to make sure I catch up on Army Wives so I can really see what they mess up. Mikey always points it out and now the test is on for me...let's see how much knowledge I really have!
Tata for now everyone...thanks for joining!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
My first night alone as a wife
Here I am, alone as a wife. Not because Mikey left me, but his job called and he is on night shift at the tower. (Don't ask what he does because I don't even really understand yet! I'm just glad he is still around some of the time.) So let me tell you my adventures of today - I realize now that I'm a wife I am suffering from short-term memory loss! Here's why - I went to make some noodles for lunch (nothing left in the house) and I left the water boiling and forgot about it until the water was all gone. Mikey was the only reason our house or our pot didn't start on fire. Whew, he's got this husband thing down! Then, as I get done with work I start unpacking, to which I find a disaster from a lotion explosion in the front of one of the suitcases...okay, I should clean that. But instead I decide I'm exhausted and I want to watch a little television. Oops, I fall asleep!
When I awake it shows 8:00 on the clock. I panic and think I should jump in the shower for work...and for some reason I was thinking we had a guest that left and got lost so I grab my phone and start looking through my contacts. I seriously think I lost my mind. I couldn't figure out what was going on, if it was the morning or evening or what I was doing anymore. Finally I got myself together and figured out it was 8 PM and I should just keep working on unpacking, laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping. Out to my adventure of grocery shopping, which for the most part was uneventful. It took my nearly an hour though to get the necessities because I was randomly going all over the store. I just can't get my bearings tonight.
Next stop is home. I get the groceries put away, change a load of laundry and check email again. Doing well - except it hit me that at some point I should go and check on my noodles...yep, I did it again. Only this time I had put the noodles in the water and now they were frying to the bottom of the pan. Wow, I'm batting zero!!! No biggie, I'll just eat noodles that are overcooked enough a 6 month old could eat them. Gross, but I did what I needed. I figured if I went to cook something else I would FOR SURE start this place on fire. But now, as I sit in our backyard I think I've figured out it isn't me just being a bad wife, I'm blaming the full moon!
With that, I think I should go to bed - let's just hope I remember to shut off all things that could burn up and remember to set the alarm! I'd say that now that I just typed it I will for sure remember, but as this day is going it is proving different!
I'm off to bed - with my recent humidity shower from being outside I can only imagine how cute I'll look to Mikey when he gets home!
goodnight, dream sweet everyone.
When I awake it shows 8:00 on the clock. I panic and think I should jump in the shower for work...and for some reason I was thinking we had a guest that left and got lost so I grab my phone and start looking through my contacts. I seriously think I lost my mind. I couldn't figure out what was going on, if it was the morning or evening or what I was doing anymore. Finally I got myself together and figured out it was 8 PM and I should just keep working on unpacking, laundry, cleaning and grocery shopping. Out to my adventure of grocery shopping, which for the most part was uneventful. It took my nearly an hour though to get the necessities because I was randomly going all over the store. I just can't get my bearings tonight.
Next stop is home. I get the groceries put away, change a load of laundry and check email again. Doing well - except it hit me that at some point I should go and check on my noodles...yep, I did it again. Only this time I had put the noodles in the water and now they were frying to the bottom of the pan. Wow, I'm batting zero!!! No biggie, I'll just eat noodles that are overcooked enough a 6 month old could eat them. Gross, but I did what I needed. I figured if I went to cook something else I would FOR SURE start this place on fire. But now, as I sit in our backyard I think I've figured out it isn't me just being a bad wife, I'm blaming the full moon!
With that, I think I should go to bed - let's just hope I remember to shut off all things that could burn up and remember to set the alarm! I'd say that now that I just typed it I will for sure remember, but as this day is going it is proving different!
I'm off to bed - with my recent humidity shower from being outside I can only imagine how cute I'll look to Mikey when he gets home!
goodnight, dream sweet everyone.
Annie what do I do as a Wife?
Well, we made it through the adventure of our wedding weekend and our week of "relaxation." It was all amazing to me, as I walked down the isle and stood in front of everyone at our reception I was overwhelmed by the love in the room. Everyone worries about your stress level, but no one can ever prepare you for the emotions of watching your husband gaze into your eyes with all his love and then to look out to a room of others with tears in their eyes and smiles on their is all so much to take in and truly touched my heart. We cherished every moment and several times Mikey and I asked each other if we could just put it all into slow motion or pause to absorb it all. I still think the entire weekend hasn't fully hit us yet. I know we didn't get to spend enough time or talk to everyone we wanted to, so let me thank you through this blog and tell you all how special you are.
And now we are back in Savannah, starting to figure out what the role of a wife and a husband is. We are just waiting for something to be SO different - which I'm sure we'll notice in the upcoming days. I suppose being in our own home and really realizing this is the start of "our family" will hit us and we'll transition into our new "roles" quickly. One thing Mikey's already noticed is that it is tougher for him to see me tired or upset because he just wants to make his wife happy - what a sweetie! Little does he know he's always wanted that and he's always done a great job at it.
Now that the planning is all done I'll try to update this more often...thanks again for all of your support. I look forward to the next time we meet up again!
All the love,
And now we are back in Savannah, starting to figure out what the role of a wife and a husband is. We are just waiting for something to be SO different - which I'm sure we'll notice in the upcoming days. I suppose being in our own home and really realizing this is the start of "our family" will hit us and we'll transition into our new "roles" quickly. One thing Mikey's already noticed is that it is tougher for him to see me tired or upset because he just wants to make his wife happy - what a sweetie! Little does he know he's always wanted that and he's always done a great job at it.
Now that the planning is all done I'll try to update this more often...thanks again for all of your support. I look forward to the next time we meet up again!
All the love,
Monday, April 7, 2008
Two months and counting!
Well, today marks two months until Mikey and I say "I do." I sometimes wonder if he knows what he is getting himself into, but then I remember ignorance is bliss!
We are working every day on checking off things on our "to-do" list. I feel confident in everything thus far. And I'm still shocked that I'm not more stressed about all of this. Maybe that will hit me in the last 30 days! Only time will tell.
This week we will be sending out the invites and our website for our wedding should be live. The URL is I'm pumped to see it live. Alissa has done an outstanding job on both the invites and the website. I know you will all enjoy it - it is the new wave of weddings. You will be instructed to RSVP online, you can see several pictures of us throughout our dating (to the point you might get sick of us before our wedding date and recall your RSVP) and you even get to have some fun reading about us as a couple, individually and both perspectives of how the engagement went! Lots of fun I'm telling prepared!!!
If anyone has any last minute advice on songs or requests for songs at the dance just let me know. Leave a comment and I'll take it into consideration! Can't wait to see everyone...just a week and I'll be back. Unfortunately that also means that Mikey and I will not be seeing each other for 4 days before our wedding!
We are working every day on checking off things on our "to-do" list. I feel confident in everything thus far. And I'm still shocked that I'm not more stressed about all of this. Maybe that will hit me in the last 30 days! Only time will tell.
This week we will be sending out the invites and our website for our wedding should be live. The URL is I'm pumped to see it live. Alissa has done an outstanding job on both the invites and the website. I know you will all enjoy it - it is the new wave of weddings. You will be instructed to RSVP online, you can see several pictures of us throughout our dating (to the point you might get sick of us before our wedding date and recall your RSVP) and you even get to have some fun reading about us as a couple, individually and both perspectives of how the engagement went! Lots of fun I'm telling prepared!!!
If anyone has any last minute advice on songs or requests for songs at the dance just let me know. Leave a comment and I'll take it into consideration! Can't wait to see everyone...just a week and I'll be back. Unfortunately that also means that Mikey and I will not be seeing each other for 4 days before our wedding!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Going green...but not for the enviornment!
Well, today is the start of the St. Patrick's adventure in Savannah! This place is crazy about this holiday - it is the South's version of We-Fest. I've been hearing bag pipes practicing all week in various parking lots, outside hotels and just on the sidewalk! There are maps online that show you where the porta potties are - what the rules are on making your "campsite" in the squares for the parade this morning - where the shuttles run so you can park 15 miles away from downtown (they close off the streets to vehicles...pedestrian downtown only this weekend) - and the rules of watching how much you drink...I'm told if you have more than two drinks in your hands while walking around you can get arrested for public intoxication ( I hear a challenge coming from me on that one???)
So, with the businesses closing Mikey and I decided that we might as well put on some green and go and collect beads downtown. It is only appropriate as I was once told that I have a bit of Irish in me (who knows if that is dad could tell me anything and I'd believe it) and since Mikey is very much Scottish. (Yes, he even has a kilt) So, to hold true to the name I will soon have, I will go downtown in green and "rival" with the Irish!
I will be sure to check back in on this site and let you know about all the wild and crazy stories...and I'll give you a count on how beads Mikey and I collect...I'm sure I'll win (unless he wears his kilt)!
...until next time
So, with the businesses closing Mikey and I decided that we might as well put on some green and go and collect beads downtown. It is only appropriate as I was once told that I have a bit of Irish in me (who knows if that is dad could tell me anything and I'd believe it) and since Mikey is very much Scottish. (Yes, he even has a kilt) So, to hold true to the name I will soon have, I will go downtown in green and "rival" with the Irish!
I will be sure to check back in on this site and let you know about all the wild and crazy stories...and I'll give you a count on how beads Mikey and I collect...I'm sure I'll win (unless he wears his kilt)!
...until next time
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Introducing...Cosmo in a box!
Yes, you heard me correct...I am now introducing to all of my friends my latest "great buy." While browsing the shelves of our local liquor store I found what I never thought would be so much fun, but it has proven itself to be a blast!
It is Cosmopolitan in a box! Just open the spout and pour!!! Who knew that it would be so easy to have such a "fancy" drink. Wow, but to keep with the theme of Cosmo in a box I have made one rule. If you choose to partake in this wonderful development, you are ONLY allowed to drink it out of a regular 8 oz. glass. You heard martini glasses - resist if you own them and go for the total "trashin'" style of an 8 oz 'milk' glass!
Enjoy everyone - and soon I will be home so we can have a Cosmo in a box fun night!
It is Cosmopolitan in a box! Just open the spout and pour!!! Who knew that it would be so easy to have such a "fancy" drink. Wow, but to keep with the theme of Cosmo in a box I have made one rule. If you choose to partake in this wonderful development, you are ONLY allowed to drink it out of a regular 8 oz. glass. You heard martini glasses - resist if you own them and go for the total "trashin'" style of an 8 oz 'milk' glass!
Enjoy everyone - and soon I will be home so we can have a Cosmo in a box fun night!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Surprise on so many levels...first - I am posting on this blog! wow, I know. Second...I am still alive and actually having a lot of fun planning the wedding. Third - and the real reason for this post - is to update you on how I have the perfect fiance. Tonight at 6:30 he is taking me away to a special night - he says it isn't "romantic," but I beg to differ. Anything that he does that is for my happiness is romantic, and we get to do this together!
Althought I don't know what our date is yet, I'm super excited! I'll be sure to write and fill you in on the surprise for tonight. I hope you are all staying warm and enjoying the love that surrounds you. Miss you all and HUGS all around!
Until next time...
Althought I don't know what our date is yet, I'm super excited! I'll be sure to write and fill you in on the surprise for tonight. I hope you are all staying warm and enjoying the love that surrounds you. Miss you all and HUGS all around!
Until next time...
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Checking off the list...the wedding to do list!
Now that Mikey is finally home we are in full force of getting wedding things done. Every night we have a new task from our wedding "to do" list. Some nights you can tell neither of us want to put the energy into it, not because we don't want to get married more because we are just so exhausted! I guess I'll never understand how they expect brides to workout for 1 to 2 hours a day and then have enough energy after work to actually get wedding things!
We figured out last night we are about a third of the way through the checklist...let's hope that tonight we get one more major thing done! Time to write website copy!!!
Tata for now,
We figured out last night we are about a third of the way through the checklist...let's hope that tonight we get one more major thing done! Time to write website copy!!!
Tata for now,
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
A month with a ring...and a month without a fiance
It's been just over a month since Mikey and I got engaged...and it's been over a month since I've seen my fiance. there more to this? I'm starting to wonder if Mikey did it just before going into the field so he could avoid the wedding planning! Just kidding.
It's great to have a ring on my left finger. I still sometimes find myself wanting to play with the ring and put it on other fingers like I did with all my costume rings. It is beautiful and I love all that it means. And even better I'm being treated differently when I go out, which is fun. I am now getting drinks bought for me from the other married men that are there with their single friends...and I'm getting the typical lines such as "you know...a ring doesn't plug holes..." I'm not going to finish that one! It's all in the experience and I can't wait to have more stories. I promise the next time I write about these stories I'll make them more vibrant!
Tata for now -
It's great to have a ring on my left finger. I still sometimes find myself wanting to play with the ring and put it on other fingers like I did with all my costume rings. It is beautiful and I love all that it means. And even better I'm being treated differently when I go out, which is fun. I am now getting drinks bought for me from the other married men that are there with their single friends...and I'm getting the typical lines such as "you know...a ring doesn't plug holes..." I'm not going to finish that one! It's all in the experience and I can't wait to have more stories. I promise the next time I write about these stories I'll make them more vibrant!
Tata for now -
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Never dull...
I'm walking into Kroeger's Grocery Store to get myself a Starbucks Latte when suddenly I hear a crash and I'm watching, what I feel like is in slow motion, a blue Ford F-150 crash into the front of the store and a big outside lamp light falling onto the ground. The truck surprisingly backs up in a panic and before I know it I'm watching tires racing out of the parking lot. There were at least a dozen eye witnesses right there...and then there goes the "hero" white pickup chasing after them trying to get the plates. Which that pickup has success in doing just that. He gathers the nearby cop that was in the parking lot and so the investigation begins. I really had nothing to add to the police report so I just went in and got my Starbucks.
As I sat in line I listened to all the chatter about what just happened! Thankfully no one was injured. Then, as I find myself driving away and saying good bye to my new found friends (the other bystanders), I realize police lights all around. My first, I'm glad I don't own a pickup right now. So, I continue home and as I'm driving I discover that I am trying to be a little detective...every pickup that goes by I take a good stare at. I thought for sure I'd find the pickup. Not sure why, but it kept me entertained until I got home!
Till next time!
As I sat in line I listened to all the chatter about what just happened! Thankfully no one was injured. Then, as I find myself driving away and saying good bye to my new found friends (the other bystanders), I realize police lights all around. My first, I'm glad I don't own a pickup right now. So, I continue home and as I'm driving I discover that I am trying to be a little detective...every pickup that goes by I take a good stare at. I thought for sure I'd find the pickup. Not sure why, but it kept me entertained until I got home!
Till next time!
Friday, January 25, 2008
One month of winter...
I just returned from my "one month of winter" into the beautiful spring weather of Savannah. Might I suggest that it is the best way to handle winter, enjoy it for a month and then GET OUT!
I did have a great time back in North Dakota. Many memories were made, including the very special anniversary Mikey and I shared. What a special night, we finally got engaged! What a blessing to know that I get to share the rest of my life with the man that loves and cares for me every moment of every day. We truly are the most fortunate people. And remember all my single girlfriends, waiting proves to be a good idea! Hold out until you find your prince charming like I did. It is SO worth it. We are going to start the beginning of our married life on June 7, 2008. I hope we can get as many people as we know to join us!
I'll be sure to post more about wedding planning later...check back!
I did have a great time back in North Dakota. Many memories were made, including the very special anniversary Mikey and I shared. What a special night, we finally got engaged! What a blessing to know that I get to share the rest of my life with the man that loves and cares for me every moment of every day. We truly are the most fortunate people. And remember all my single girlfriends, waiting proves to be a good idea! Hold out until you find your prince charming like I did. It is SO worth it. We are going to start the beginning of our married life on June 7, 2008. I hope we can get as many people as we know to join us!
I'll be sure to post more about wedding planning later...check back!
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