Welcome to the my home office! I thought this would be a good visual for those that I have conference calls with, or those just were wondering where I spend 8 to 12 hours a day!
I have pictures surrounding me on my bookcase behind me, and most days I have those blinds open so I can watch the wildlife or my "wild neighbors." About a month ago we finally got the walls painted my pretty teal blue and the wood blinds you see. And...might I add that after a full day of hanging those blinds (with 5 trips to Home Depot/Lowe's) means neither of us want to hang blinds again any time soon!
I enjoy working from home, it seems to be much more efficient. I did have to "train" myself that downstairs is off limits until 6 PM (except for lunch time). And, I've noticed that when I do go out in public after work I am very talkative to strangers...more than usual. But, enough about that...let's get to the fun stuff...the adjustments I've made while living here. '
Now that it has been almost a full four months I can tell that I'm starting to adjust to Georgia. (Don't worry...it will never be "home") First, I think anything below 90 degrees is "chilly" and anything below 85 degrees is "cold." (I'm gonig to be wearing a winter parka in ND in October) Second, I now am researching what I need for a hurricane survival kit and preparing to put one in my car...a slight switch from a "winter survival kit." I am starting to notice the Midwestern accent in home videos and when talking to anyone from back home...uh-oh...does that mean I'll be saying "y'all" when I get home!?!?! Sunday football has turned into watching the ticker rather than the game and tuning in to see the highlights at half time...just trying to keep up with the Vikings games!
Well, now that I've bored you all, I figure I'll sign off for tonight. I hope to see as many of you as possible when I'm back in ND in October! Thanks for reading!!!
Tata for now,
1 comment:
Who is that adorable picture of at the head of the bed in your office...oh wait, I think it's my daughter, Tyndie...yes! That's her...wow, she's one cute kid!
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