Yesterday I ventured to Jacksonville...all by myself...and I made it! I ventured all around the city...I didn't show my blonde side until the ride home. Which is where the story begins!
It was 5 pm and time to head back to Savannah. I take off and discover that I will need to get gas. So, I am on 95 and see a billboard on my right that reads "$2.76 Fuel - Truck Stop - Next Right". I'm'll go there. Sweet! So, I crank the radio back up and continue jamming to "Waterfalls by TLC" (had to sing the rap part!!!)...old school...and get into the right lane prepping for my "next right." So, as I'm singing "You claim the insane, and name this day in time..." I follow a truck onto the exit.
As I continue singing I look around to see if the gas station is right or left from the exit, and I notice there aren't any roads leaving this exit ramp. I start to wonder and I immediately think I entered a rest area...but as I continue following the semi (with I-95 traffic zooming by me on the left) I see that I am the only non-semi in a long line that is creeping along. OMG...I'm in a TRUCK WEIGH STATION! Yep, there's the little Jeep Liberty...the smallest thing in a line of about a dozen semis...just waiting my turn to get weighed! (Just think of what all those vehicles on I-95 were thinking and the CB talk...oops!)
Finally, it was my turn to get weighed. So, I stopped to get weighed (might as well since I'm there!) and I roll down my window to visit with the FL officer that didn't look too impressed. He approached and I just couldn't stop laughing...I was beat red and told him I was looking for a gas station at the "next right" and he started smiling. I thanked him for his time and told him to have a nice day - and he wished me the same. As I drove away I honked my horn a couple times to say thank you and through the rearview mirror the officer was buckled over laughing after seeing my ND PLATES! Yep, I represent well! I know.
Strange.. I can't see you doing something like that...
You know, it IS like you were sitting in my office telling me all about it!
Here's a virtual high-five for representin', sista!
You are a one-woman PR nightmare for ND! Makes me glad I'm a MN resident! :) Amber S.
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