Friday, December 21, 2007
Happy Holidays!
Enjoy the ones that surround you, think often of the ones that can't be with you and remember that love embraces you in many ways and not only during this holiday season.
May God bless all of you. I hope to see as many of you as I can when I'm back in Fargo at the beginning of 2008!
Until then...
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Fried Green Tomatoes...
As we were glancing through the menu, something struck me as I read "Fried Green Tomatoes." I quickly turned to Mikey and asked if he was ready to try some good ole' "Southern cooking." Much to my surprise, he had already been privileged enough to try them, but was ready to be a team player and try them again with me. (Also promising to eat the rest if I hated them!) Moments later a plate of 5 Fried Green Tomatoes appeared before us. I grabbed the smallest one, still hesitant as I normally don't eat even Red Tomatoes...what was I even thinking that I would like Green Tomatoes - just because they are fried? I cut the first piece and dipped it in the sauce provided - actually drenching it in the sauce! Again...trying to avoid actually tasting them! After a few bites, with less and less drenching, I figured out that I really did like them.
So, it is official - I tried and actually LIKED Fried Green Tomatoes! (Actually - "like" might be a strong word and could have been influenced by the experience more than the taste! By the second one I was done - Mikey had to finish the rest!)
I'll try and cook them sometime for everyone back home, but only if you really want to try the "Southern Cookin'"
Till next time -
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I can tell it has been almost 6 months...
1. The smell of the swamp is actually comforting! (it used to make me gag)
2. The bluetooth is not just functional as a communication device...I've learned it is an accessory! And I've accepted it.
3. Y'all doesn't make my skin crawl anymore (don't worry I'm still not using it)
4. Instead of cow tipping I've realized it's fun to go "garbage tipping" as a teen.
5. I can finally stay up for the local 11 PM.
6. I caught myself asking for a 'soda' the other day...instead of a 'pop'.
7. I find myself saying that 60 degrees is cold...and i'm ready to take out the winter coat!
8. I get excited to see license plates that aren't from Georgia!!!
But, here are things that I still haven't adjusted to:
1. Delayed...really long delayed responses to green lights.
2. Speaking with a Southern Accent...which has proved to hinder my advancement in the non-profit world!
3. I still think my programs are on Central time...I am always early for my programs at least!
Well, that is about all I can think of for right now - I'll be sure to add to the list as time continues.
Thanks for all the support even though I'm all the way in the South.
Until next time...Annie
Monday, November 5, 2007
It's been a while...
I just wanted to say that I didn't forget about updating this blog, I just haven't been able to really figure out what funny stories I have! I will be sure to update you on some highlights of my trip back to ND as well as our trip to Charleston this past weekend. I promise to get back to this, just bear with me...that is if anyone reads this any more! wink. wink.
Be back soon...
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Welcome to the my home office! I thought this would be a good visual for those that I have conference calls with, or those just were wondering where I spend 8 to 12 hours a day!
I have pictures surrounding me on my bookcase behind me, and most days I have those blinds open so I can watch the wildlife or my "wild neighbors." About a month ago we finally got the walls painted my pretty teal blue and the wood blinds you see. And...might I add that after a full day of hanging those blinds (with 5 trips to Home Depot/Lowe's) means neither of us want to hang blinds again any time soon!
I enjoy working from home, it seems to be much more efficient. I did have to "train" myself that downstairs is off limits until 6 PM (except for lunch time). And, I've noticed that when I do go out in public after work I am very talkative to strangers...more than usual. But, enough about that...let's get to the fun stuff...the adjustments I've made while living here. '
Now that it has been almost a full four months I can tell that I'm starting to adjust to Georgia. (Don't will never be "home") First, I think anything below 90 degrees is "chilly" and anything below 85 degrees is "cold." (I'm gonig to be wearing a winter parka in ND in October) Second, I now am researching what I need for a hurricane survival kit and preparing to put one in my car...a slight switch from a "winter survival kit." I am starting to notice the Midwestern accent in home videos and when talking to anyone from back home...uh-oh...does that mean I'll be saying "y'all" when I get home!?!?! Sunday football has turned into watching the ticker rather than the game and tuning in to see the highlights at half time...just trying to keep up with the Vikings games!
Well, now that I've bored you all, I figure I'll sign off for tonight. I hope to see as many of you as possible when I'm back in ND in October! Thanks for reading!!!
Tata for now,
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
A new definition for "Working Remotely"
After driving 15 minutes I finally found one...outside of Locos...but they weren't open yet so it meant me working out of my Jeep. Then the lunch rush hour hit Locos and I didn't figure it would be appropriate for me to take up a table for a couple hours so I waited until that was done. Since it was nearly 2 PM I figured our Internet had to be working home, nope it wasn't working. The new updated time was end of business day Monday. So, I headed back to Locos and worked out of my car until the end of business day. I figured at this point I had bonded with my Jeep so why go into Locos, plus I was told I had to pay for it if I went I stayed in the Jeep!
Yep, I worked remotely yesterday. That is for sure! I think some of the workers at Locos were trying to figure out if I was a PI or just a stalker! And the customers walking in didn't think anything about it, until they came out to see me still there! Hehe. It was fun, but I did have to zip into the mall every once and a while for a bathroom break and to recharge my computer battery.
Don't worry - I'm back to working from my home office. Phew. My Jeep was getting a little cramped yesterday!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Some "names" have been changed for their protection
Today was a rough day in our household. It was the day that I had to face the reality that I no longer live in North Dakota. I had to get a GA license and my Jeep (completely throwing a fit about it all day) had to get GA plates. The process went smoothly. I spent about an hour and a half in lines, which meant a lot of fun people watching. I was thankful that I did not have any small children, as the wait was a bit long...but we had air so I couldn't complain much.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Hanging Low
This weekend we've been super productive. We are calling it "Grown-Up Weekend." We have been spending money on home improvement elements and getting things done. This week I'll be busy painting my office and Mikey will be busy hanging all my photos! (I'm sure he is excited...or will be when he finds out.) I am also prepping myself for the upcoming events of this week. I am going to have to officially claim to be a Georgia resident. I am sad to give up my ND driver's license and my Jeep is also sad to be a GA registered vehicle. I didn't want to do this, but I guess the time had to come. So...check back and I'll be sure to share photos of the "Jeep makeover" and possibly the new office look!
Looking forward to seeing as many people as I can when I'm home in less then 2 months!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
can anyone say blonde moment?
It was 5 pm and time to head back to Savannah. I take off and discover that I will need to get gas. So, I am on 95 and see a billboard on my right that reads "$2.76 Fuel - Truck Stop - Next Right". I'm'll go there. Sweet! So, I crank the radio back up and continue jamming to "Waterfalls by TLC" (had to sing the rap part!!!)...old school...and get into the right lane prepping for my "next right." So, as I'm singing "You claim the insane, and name this day in time..." I follow a truck onto the exit.
As I continue singing I look around to see if the gas station is right or left from the exit, and I notice there aren't any roads leaving this exit ramp. I start to wonder and I immediately think I entered a rest area...but as I continue following the semi (with I-95 traffic zooming by me on the left) I see that I am the only non-semi in a long line that is creeping along. OMG...I'm in a TRUCK WEIGH STATION! Yep, there's the little Jeep Liberty...the smallest thing in a line of about a dozen semis...just waiting my turn to get weighed! (Just think of what all those vehicles on I-95 were thinking and the CB talk...oops!)
Finally, it was my turn to get weighed. So, I stopped to get weighed (might as well since I'm there!) and I roll down my window to visit with the FL officer that didn't look too impressed. He approached and I just couldn't stop laughing...I was beat red and told him I was looking for a gas station at the "next right" and he started smiling. I thanked him for his time and told him to have a nice day - and he wished me the same. As I drove away I honked my horn a couple times to say thank you and through the rearview mirror the officer was buckled over laughing after seeing my ND PLATES! Yep, I represent well! I know.
Monday, July 16, 2007
So, in a wet suit and curly hair I took off in the Jeep looking for my next adventure. I didn't have a plan, or a map, I just had the desire to find my own way around. I know...asking to get lost...but in reality I was staying on major highways so I knew I'd be okay. My Jeep turned right onto the highway and I found myself heading towards Pooler. I thought maybe I'd find some more shops or a Super Target or some kind of "gold mine" that I've been missing out on. Instead...I found myself in an instant replay of the movie "clueless". (Yeah, it seems this would happen often to me, but not this scene!)
I started to get onto the major Interstate and I didn't think anything of it until I was actually trying to merge onto the Interstate. Immediately I was replaying the "I'm on the Freeway, aghhhh," scene from Clueless. I mean, I'm a fast driver, but I found myself ready to let go of the wheel and scream because I couldn't get going fast enough to merge! Seriously, the speed limit is 65...and to Georgians that means 80 at minimum! I felt like I was the "Sunday cruiser" holding up traffic.
So, after getting on and off the Interstate and finding no fun "new shops" in Pooler I found myself heading home. I guess I'll try again tomorrow while Mikey is flying. Sooner or later I'll either end up completely lost or just more stories!
Until another day...
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Exhausted...and back in GA
I wish I could share stories right now, but I'm barely able to keep my eyes open. Unfortunately I'm going to have to use this weekend to catch up. I guess getting into the airport at 3 a.m. and working by 9 a.m. is tougher then I originally thought.
Keep checking back - I have plenty of stories from the reunion...and the lake...but I'm told, what happens at the lake stays least when my brother from Vegas is there! wink...j/k. I'll be sure to write more when I can be entertaining!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
It was gross, this lizard kept poking its head out and laughing at me. And yep, when if finally ran out of the corner I jumped right up on the table outside. I stood up there and he went right under the table. He knew I was grossed out by him. So, after about 15 minutes (which I felt was a lifetime) we had chased him away.
I am still creeped out by this lizard...I'm sure it is out to get me.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
and they say I know how to shop...
Okay - now i have to log off...he can't see this! wink. wink.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
In search for a new Mexican restaurant...
So, we headed off to Jalapenos. When approaching the restaurant I was having a good feeling about it, the building was older and appeared to be a non-chain, authentic restaurant. Walking in was so exciting for me. Mikey was laughing because it was like I was a kid finally getting the puppy I always wanted. :-) I think I almost took out a kid opening the door - I didn't even see him and I guess I just wanted to get in there and get a table before him. Don't worry, I let the kid and his family go first. (honestly, I didn't want Mikey to think I was totally psycho about food!)
We entered, it looked good - more like a Paradiso then a Juanos, but that is acceptable. We waited 5 minutes before being sat at a booth. The hostess, waiters and waitresses, bartenders were all speaking their native tongue to one another, so again I thought...good deal. So we start - of course I get a is a Mexican beer...then they bring us the chips. This was a defining moment...the chips and salsa can make or break a place! And after trying the first one...yep, I was addicted. Their salsa was the best - right up there with Juano's. I was so relieved to finally get good salsa. I couldn't stop, they had to refill our salsa before we even ordered!
So, now that I know they have good chips I am thoroughly excited. I ordered one of their special plates - the number 25 - beef burrito, cheese enchilada with rice and beans. He left with our orders (oh, Mikey had the number 19...just in case you were wondering). I was excited and dancing in my seat. I keep inhaling the chips and salsa thinking I don't even care if I get too full, these things are good. Then before I could even get chip number 3 in my mouth our food was there.
What? Honestly? Okay, now I'm scared. The guy brings them out and warns me of the "hot plate." Okay, it was hot...but after taking the first bite, that was the only thing that was steamy hot. I did enjoy the food, it just would have been better at a higher temp.
So, was a fair to good review. I know this much...we will be going back for beers and chips in the bar!
Enjoy...the next story will have to be about our shopping experience after this meal...oh does Mikey have a lot to learn about coordinating colors in a room!
Tata for now everyone!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
I've been a resident of Savannah for three weeks already. Time flies. It amazes me. It has been a blast. Of course I still have my moments of missing everyone back in ND, but I know I'm going to see a lot of people in about a week. So, I'm focused on seeing everyone and Mikey is probably looking forward to being at home by himself and not worrying about my schedule of events every evening.
Well, over the past three weeks I've had a few laughs at the differences between Georgia and North Dakota. First, Armadillos are the main road kill of Georgia. Second, we don't have "deer crossing" signs, rather we have "turtle crossing" signs! (I love that one) Third, when it rains it pours and only for about 20 minutes...and the humidity doesn't disappear after a good rain. Fourth, the food choices remind me of the fair...everything is fried...but without the food on the stick! Fifth, the healthy chain of Subway...yeah, they carry ice cream...not frozen yogurt, full calorie ice cream! Ice cream and candy stores are everywhere. Sixth, there are just as many Jeeps here...and over 50% of them have 4-wheel drive...why? And finally, my favorite observation...when people see my North Dakota plates they stare...typical, but the other day someone actually rolled his window down and with a shocked face he said, "Are you REALLY from North Dakota?" My response, "Yeah" (with a confused look - I didn't think he was serious) and to which is response "Wow, really...huh."
Well, I think that is all I'll write for tonight. Thanks for reading my novel and hopefully you were entertained. I'll be sure to keep writing stories as they come. I'm sure there will be plenty more.
Tata for now everyone! Write or call me, I miss all of you.