HaPpY 1st BiRthDaY our little mini's! One year ago today we were waking up at 5 am to get to the hospital, anxious to meet you. We thought we knew how much we loved you then, but today our love for each of you is beyond us. You can wake us up at all hours of the night, puke on us, bite us, wear us down and yet through all of that taking just one look into your eyes makes our hearts melt. You are both a wonderful gift from God to our family. You are healthy, vibrant pieces of us.
In the past year you have both changed so much.
weight at birth: 7 lbs. 2 oz
weight now: 24 lbs. 4 oz.
height at birth: 19.5 inches
height now: 30.25 inches
weight at birth: 6 lbs. 2 oz.
weight now: 22 lbs. 10 oz.
height at birth: 18.5 inches
height now: 28 inches
July 29, 2011 - Happy 1st Birthday mini's!

FiRsT introduction to cake...

miss aubrey

mister truman

...maybe not fans of sweets, you MUST get that from your daddy!
July 30, 2011
Your FIRST birthday party...
friends and family came from all over to celebrate with you at the lake

...just a few of the 30+ attendees
golf cart fun for the cousins! (and uncles)

It's CaKe TiMe!

Thank you Auntie Tina for making beautiful cakes
mister Truman and miss Aubrey had their own to "enjoy"
the rest of us had OUR own to enjoy!
the mini's weren't sure what to think of the choir singing to them

"I'll try it this time..."

"this again...it sticks to me."

I had to step in to try and convince them that cake is GOOD
and daddy is wrong about sweets

mister Truman still isn't convinced

Needless to say folks, I was unable to capture the "typical" first birthday cake photos
because our mini's just are NOT into sweets!
(their daddy's genes are much more prevalent than their mommy's)
Grandparent photo time!

Great Grandma and Grandpa Zaun getting loves from the mini's
Meal time was much more successful, they also discovered they LOVE pickles!
Lastly, a party wouldn't be complete without the gifts...

...and entertainment:
opening act before gift opening thanks to Cousin Tyndie

mister Truman digs in while miss Aubrey just waits for him to hand her the gifts

yep, still in the "everything in the mouth" stage

the cousins watching as the mini's open gifts from them,
THANK you EVERYONE for your gifts!

miss Aubrey saying thank you to everyone

standing all on her own!

"surfin' in the USA"

mister Truman's right eye does NOT have eye shadow on it...
just another bruise from learning to walk

We had a wonderful birthday weekend full of love, laughter and spoiling! THANK YOU to everyone for the birthday wishes, the gifts and most of all in sharing in the lives of our mini's. We know we hate mister Mikey having to miss this year, but each of you have helped us through every day in several ways. We are grateful for such an ideal support system in a non-ideal situation. Thank you for the spoils!
tata for now and HaPpY BiRThdAy MiNi's!!!!