Our reality is back, so appropriately mister Truman is wearing his most recent "daddy shirt" - seems these mini's ALWAYS have a shirt about their daddy in their closet. (and yes, it's a rare event to have one about mommy...typical.)
Enjoy the photos from the 46th sunday home. They are starting to really show more and more of their own personalities. Both love to move everywhere, opposite places most of the time and if they ever are at the same toy it's a battle of the wills as to who will get to play with it! I know it is only going to get better. I'll take every moment...notice I didn't say every minute because I am positive there will be minutes of the day I want to disappear! ha.
Enjoy the photos, I'll add more "new tricks" in the next sunday's post. Need to make this one short since we are about to return to the midwest...LOTS of packing to go do!