Here I am, in the apartment trying to collect my life, thoughts and sleep before going back to work tomorrow. Then I walk into my bedroom to put away my husbands clean clothes and I catch a new smell. A smell that up until April 23rd had not been in this apartment. The smell of my husband's cologne lurks in between these walls. Immediately I am saddened that I don't get to wake up next to him, that I don't get to ask for Pizza Ranch Taco Pizza at 9 AM (when he was simply asking me if I needed anything...from within the apartment, perhaps a water?), that I don't get to live in fantasy land and run to Denver on a whim, that I don't get to feel his arms wrapped around me and feel that complete comfort of being safe. I miss him. I miss us together in the same room, the same state, the same country. I miss our face to face talks. I miss hearing the shower running when putting my make-up on. I miss being his co-pilot. I miss hearing his laugh when watching a youtube video. I miss falling asleep on his lap. I miss my Mikey.
Tonight, the silence and smells of my apartment haunt me. It jolts me back to October 2008. But, unlike last fall this time the hurt is different. I no longer fear the unknown, the unknown is now known. I no longer dread 52 Wednesdays, we only have 23 left. I no longer wonder how my husband really is, I know he is okay.
But, no matter these feelings of sadness, the last 14 days were completely worth it. I would never change a minute of our time. We shared laughs, exchanged stories, held on tight to one another. We were us, together again for 14 full days. I thank my husband for being such an amazing man. I am proud of his work and will always stand beside him. He is my blessing. I love him for him, even the part of being in the Army and having long business trips.
We shared many funny things on our vacation and soon I will post pictures and share some of our crazy the time we took the "public transportation bus" in denver to see the Coor's Brewery, or the time we scalped tickets to see a playoff game of the Nuggets, or the time...well, I think I'll leave some of those stories to those we shared them with!
Check back soon, I will post the funnies of our vaca together!
Thank you to all for your continued support and all the love while Mikey was home. We are both fortunate to have loving family and friends that take care of us, especially me while my hubbers is away.
tata for now,